Because everyone has been asking (okay, one person asked on Discord last week), here's a tutorial for Start-Up mode. Go enjoy the video and call your mother
This game rocks. Little bug I've noticed, if you tab away from the game during a choice, any option you have highlighted becomes unhighlighted and there's no clear way to select them again, so you can't make the choice and have to restart the game.
I love this game, but can you please add in online multiplayer(if you can) and i would love to see more updates such as more modes, classes, and attacks
Yo, downloaded the game some time ago and it is pretty fun! Just some small points:
- For the "make your own company" thing, maybe it'd be nice to be able to give already upgraded moves - In the "make your own company", being able to """modulate""" the exp system, as in being able to choose at which lvl does a player gain the right to choose a move, or at which lvl does a player gain a new perk or the right to upgrade a move. It does sound pretty annoying to make tho and that's just me nitpicking at this point
- A "better" CO-OP for the story mode ? In the story mode all the fighting is in one hallway so we can't fight together unless there is one in each hallway, exept that the camera only follows the top-most person and the bottom one just doesn't see anything, which is annoying. Maybe a story mode that would be for CO-OP only? It does sound like alot of work tho, and just working out a camera for CO-OP should help.
- In CO-OP, some perks are for both of us, but some perks are only for one of us. I haven't noted which is both and which is alone (Because, I don't wanna do that all day) but it definitly happend and confuses me. As an extra note the gym member perk in CO-OP doesn't increase health of me or my friend, which is sad.
...I could have probably joined the discord to tell about that, but since you guys read the comments here I guess it'll come through? Thanks for the awesome game tho :D
hey i just got the game today because i saw it on you tube and saw it had couch co-op so i played with my brother and we ran into a bug on the custom mode when you reach the top and kill the boss we killed him and the game didn't show us the end message other than the one bug it was fun.
just got a bug with one of the boss (the giant guy, not fat but just big) where he hit me through the floor and his arm is now stuck in the ceiling (i jumped out the window to get back to the boss floor)
Hi, I see that you reply a lot to comments asking for their opinions on what would potentially improve their opinion on your game, so I will start off with that and then ask my question.
It might just be my rage-side coming out but I find the big head guy with glasses to need some balancing. As it stands, he sometimes just decides to force choke me five times in a row, locking me in place until I die or he boasts three times in a row giving me ample opportunity to kill him. It's too random. It also pulls me out of the action since I know I'll have to wait for multiple seconds before he stops choking me only to againbe lifted and choked before I can even touch the ground. Sae with the janitor as he can sometimes shoot me with his taser in the middle of me stun-locking him in a corner. I'm not saying to make it easier, just more balanced. It would also be interesting if the fight against the CEO used the loadout of your last win along with a couple of bonuses since he's the final boss.
Finally coming to my question, how is the next update progressing and when can we expect to see it? No need to rush, would just like to have a rough estimate.
I wholly agree with the rant about glasses guy and janitor's stun, the glasses guy is way too OP and RNG on his boss fight is what tends to make or break a run for me, he definitely needs some balancing, maybe with smth like a cooldown on his force choke abilit
My God, he was super annoying back in previous, he's just like a whiney 10 year old at Thanksgiving that you want to run across the room to hit, but you know you can't.
I realized today that I was playing on a much older version and now that I've updated it it's so much easier! Yeah, I was talking about glasses guy in the earlier versions. Thank you!
Hi there hyphenza , l truly loved and enjoyed your game ;)
regarding the content , I think with minimum effort you can implement several different companies with different coloring schemes and new or slightly altered bosses will make the game playable for couple of extra hours. With the available content (other than sandbox) I managed to finish the game under 2 hours. of course having extra story plots and new game mechanics (like stealth or something) will go a long way , but I understand that it isn't that easy >_<.
Thanks for the suggestions - Ps: there's a team behind this : Evan Greenwood, Rohun Ranjith, Jason Sutherland, Jarred Lunt, Jem Smith. - I help with the socials ;)
Guys I don't know how to play this in PC cu I don't know what are the controls in this game I've been pressing and clicking so many buttons and none of it works.
"Balls when" was just a little vague for me, When are we juggling? What time does the football start? What move do you use to kick someone in the balls? etc etc etc :)
men this game i have 38 hours played, i need more, There could be some page for people to upload their buildings, so that others can download these and play more variety of levels.
It is the second time I comment (I do not do it in any other game) it is too addictive
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I know this is random but I HIT 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!!
Congrats - they say the first 100 is the toughest.
Thank you so much…Fr…they also say the first 1,000
Because everyone has been asking (okay, one person asked on Discord last week), here's a tutorial for Start-Up mode. Go enjoy the video and call your mother
Super informative - thanks for the upload
just press on that again
Oi I can help
hey i need help iv beat the game but don't know how to remove moves in the start-up making company
Check out Kazzerx on Youtube - they just uploaded a video that well defs help you.
Press enter on the move you want to remove
This game rocks. Little bug I've noticed, if you tab away from the game during a choice, any option you have highlighted becomes unhighlighted and there's no clear way to select them again, so you can't make the choice and have to restart the game.
Thanks for reporting that - is this on pc or Mac?
It was on pc
and developer should know that the glasses guy is the manager
well this is the BEST game I ever play but next update please add more classes
Thank you! We like being the best. The team is working hard to make things awesome.
Hi, the game seems really fun but the text does not renders on M1 mac with monterry
Thank you! Yes we're aware of an issue on M1's and the team is working on it.
I love this game, but can you please add in online multiplayer(if you can) and i would love to see more updates such as more modes, classes, and attacks
Can you add online Co-op? I want to play with my friends that are states away
Will you ever nerf the Sithlord boss? He has a near infinite combo that there's really no counterplay for. Also any word on an update?
Are you playing the latest version? - He's been made easier over time.
He could still get easier... it seems like people still hate him A LOT. I could make his choke only hit you twice and then never repeat.
I like him and he isn't that hard to beat. You just need to hit him when he is not attacking and it will be easy
Yeah i am, he's still brutal and a definitive difficulty spike randomly. I've lost more runs to him than the final Boss
buff Saitama's base moves and balance the head of espionage boss fight
Thanks for the suggestions Ac3 HUNT3r
Yo, downloaded the game some time ago and it is pretty fun! Just some small points:
- For the "make your own company" thing, maybe it'd be nice to be able to give already upgraded moves
- In the "make your own company", being able to """modulate""" the exp system, as in being able to choose at which lvl does a player gain the right to choose a move, or at which lvl does a player gain a new perk or the right to upgrade a move. It does sound pretty annoying to make tho and that's just me nitpicking at this point
- A "better" CO-OP for the story mode ? In the story mode all the fighting is in one hallway so we can't fight together unless there is one in each hallway, exept that the camera only follows the top-most person and the bottom one just doesn't see anything, which is annoying. Maybe a story mode that would be for CO-OP only? It does sound like alot of work tho, and just working out a camera for CO-OP should help.
- In CO-OP, some perks are for both of us, but some perks are only for one of us. I haven't noted which is both and which is alone (Because, I don't wanna do that all day) but it definitly happend and confuses me. As an extra note the gym member perk in CO-OP doesn't increase health of me or my friend, which is sad.
...I could have probably joined the discord to tell about that, but since you guys read the comments here I guess it'll come through? Thanks for the awesome game tho :D
Thanks for the suggestions - you should get involved in the Discord anyways - there's a great SITTSM community there :)
Thanks for the detailed feedback!
No problem, always a pleasure to give feedback, especially for such a good game like this :D
Hey my game keep running into (not responding), is this my pc problem or is it the game.
Try installing it with the itch app
Ayo. Just got the game, if only I had a proper pc to play on it so I could enjoy the game better.🤔
Make sure you have any other resource heavy apps like Chrome closed when you play - it helps A LOT!
hey i just got the game today because i saw it on you tube and saw it had couch co-op so i played with my brother and we ran into a bug on the custom mode when you reach the top and kill the boss we killed him and the game didn't show us the end message other than the one bug it was fun.
Thanks for letting us know. Glad you still had fun with it :)
we need a build your own character system
Thanks for the suggestion :)
just got a bug with one of the boss (the giant guy, not fat but just big) where he hit me through the floor and his arm is now stuck in the ceiling (i jumped out the window to get back to the boss floor)
Hi, I see that you reply a lot to comments asking for their opinions on what would potentially improve their opinion on your game, so I will start off with that and then ask my question.
It might just be my rage-side coming out but I find the big head guy with glasses to need some balancing. As it stands, he sometimes just decides to force choke me five times in a row, locking me in place until I die or he boasts three times in a row giving me ample opportunity to kill him. It's too random. It also pulls me out of the action since I know I'll have to wait for multiple seconds before he stops choking me only to againbe lifted and choked before I can even touch the ground. Sae with the janitor as he can sometimes shoot me with his taser in the middle of me stun-locking him in a corner. I'm not saying to make it easier, just more balanced. It would also be interesting if the fight against the CEO used the loadout of your last win along with a couple of bonuses since he's the final boss.
Finally coming to my question, how is the next update progressing and when can we expect to see it? No need to rush, would just like to have a rough estimate.
I wholly agree with the rant about glasses guy and janitor's stun, the glasses guy is way too OP and RNG on his boss fight is what tends to make or break a run for me, he definitely needs some balancing, maybe with smth like a cooldown on his force choke abilit
Did everyone play earlier versions of the game? Glasses guy was WAAAY harder than he is at the moment. Thanks for the suggestions btw.
My God, he was super annoying back in previous, he's just like a whiney 10 year old at Thanksgiving that you want to run across the room to hit, but you know you can't.
I realized today that I was playing on a much older version and now that I've updated it it's so much easier! Yeah, I was talking about glasses guy in the earlier versions. Thank you!
WOW, what an awesome game , hopefully more content is added soon >_<
Thanks 3koozy - what sort of content do you think would improve the game? :)
Hi there hyphenza , l truly loved and enjoyed your game ;)
regarding the content , I think with minimum effort you can implement several different companies with different coloring schemes and new or slightly altered bosses will make the game playable for couple of extra hours. With the available content (other than sandbox) I managed to finish the game under 2 hours. of course having extra story plots and new game mechanics (like stealth or something) will go a long way , but I understand that it isn't that easy >_<.
Thanks for the suggestions - Ps: there's a team behind this : Evan Greenwood, Rohun Ranjith, Jason Sutherland, Jarred Lunt, Jem Smith. - I help with the socials ;)
i need new update
What would you like to see in the game? :)
stickman worker that have sticks to fight :)
this is very nice game.
This is a very nice comment - thank you
Love is a big word - thank you
if your playing 2 player can one player use a controller and the other person use keyboard
Yes, if you plug one controller in then player 1 will be the controller and player 2 the keyboard. It should automatically work
Is there a way to get older versions? Cuz i want version 0.44.2c but i havent found a way to get it.
Officially no - but you can try asking some users on the Discord
The game won't work on my Mac, it just shows a grey screen. Can anyone help
The team is aware of the issues on Mac and are working on it
Ok, thanks
does this game work on mac books yet?
Some people have issues - some don't - depends on the IOS and the Mac. The team is working on it
Free Lives, this game was hella fun to play. keep up the work homies
This comment was hella fun to read. The team thanks you.
My THICCest run yet! Dang near needed to put it to the lower settings, since this many enemies made my GPU chug XD
Guys I don't know how to play this in PC cu I don't know what are the controls in this game I've been pressing and clicking so many buttons and none of it works.
wasd / arrow keys / space bar / enter / x to slow-mo
if the reply below me doesn't work then its not a game problem
balls when
Not sure exactly what you mean.
you should
"Balls when" was just a little vague for me, When are we juggling? What time does the football start? What move do you use to kick someone in the balls? etc etc etc :)
can i use wasd? or i need to use arrow keys
Both work
I honestly can't get enough of this game
Thank you! The team appreciates the positive feedback
play this game or else every single character in the game will kill you with their powers
men this game i have 38 hours played, i need more, There could be some page for people to upload their buildings, so that others can download these and play more variety of levels.
It is the second time I comment (I do not do it in any other game) it is too addictive
Thank you - also someone mentioned they were going to start a Reddit page with user made levels.....
ohhh, I hope they give the link to that subreddit soon, I feel that I have played the base building so much that I know it more than my studies
I found the link - but nobody has shared anything yet - I'll keep you posted
ohh ok ok, thanks, I'll wait for buildings to go up, and is it complicated to access the company folder?