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I think I found someone using the game's name, images, and description to get people to download his app. Fortunately, it doesn't cost any money, but I think the guy is still profiting through ad revenue.

Thanks for letting us know 

(3 edits)

Love it and completed it with all the characters but when update? Btw i have a technical question, i don't use itch so much so i'm not sure about it, when the game gets updated do i have to reinstall it? And if i reinstall i lose my progress?

Edit: Could you add the possibility to select the banana guy character in the starting screen?


The best game 

10/1000000000000 best comment - thank you 


I actually got it running on Linux via Wine and dxvk. I myself started playing only like 2 hours ago.

I'll give this game a solid 100 out of 10


I'll give this comment 110 out of 10 - thank you :) 

Hi I just really love this game, and the music after the boss fight. Where can I listen to a long version of that?

That song is awesome - I'll find out where else it exists :) 

i am obsessed with this game there's  just something about it that i love 

Thanks for the upload - gave you a like on the Youtubes :) 

Is there an option to change the controls for two players?

I'll find out for you :) 


Linux version please?

It would help a lot!


Fucking amazing this game is beautiful, a lot of ability, powerup and a great gameplay and graphics. 5/5

Can't wait to see new update! 

Thanks IndieFrenk - the team appreciates the positive feedback- have you tried playing local multiplayer yet? 


yeh - there's local multiplayer on the latest update

Not for now but I will

How do I unlock higher wages (difficulties?)? i have a friend who plays this and has that stuff but idk how he got em


yes you need to win the game do something not helping jeff bezos but kill him and choose increase minium wages

I wish I didn't have to do such things to his face via the power of my foot.


Yup - once you beat jeff you can choose to increase minimum wage 


Will there be an update on the year anniversary of the last update?

my game keeps cashing i cant even play 1 second

Are you on Windows or Mac ? 

im not sure if this is intentional but on the boss battle with jeff bezos he just sometimes pulls out a gun and shoots himself when he has low hp

It doesnt work on mac like it says. my computer keeps saying, "MacOS cannot open this file because it cannot be checked for malicious software

What has helped a lot of users is if you try use the app : 

There's also this :

It would be great if you could add controller support for Xbox. Maybe on the Xbox edition you could have 1-4 players instead of the 1-2 that is currently possible on PC.

you can use a xbox controller but for player 1 only

thats not what I meant. you can't play it on xbox.

you can put more on PC instead of wasd its tfgh or ijkl?

(1 edit) (+5)

Just an idea also I posted this a long time ago so to make sure it doesn't unnoticed

I had an idea "germophobic" 

  • The germophobic has half health
  • The germophobic cant use his/her body to attack like he can use mind wave, stomp, downsize, and stuff like that
  • New items ( Related to germophobic, You don't need to add these)
  • item 1 and its upgrades
    • "a spray bottle" acts like a gun, it can hit two people with one bullet but does half damage for each hit 
    • "sanitizer" acts like poison like takes 1 damage and lasts 5 seconds each second is 1 damage, also acts like a gun
    • "bucket" splash damage does damage in a big area, like a bomb
  • item 2 and its upgrades 
    • "water gun", Shoots like a gun
    • "double-barrel water gun", 2 shots at once
    • "mini water gun", Many shots at once 4-7

  • a temporary item
    • "a bucket of stuff" that gives inf ammo for a certain amount of time

Hi, great idea! I really liked it. But if you want a higher chance of this being added, then join their discord and go to suggestions channel of the game. You can share your suggestions in here. Have a nice day! :)

Also, hyphenza is very active and cool guy, so he will share this suggestion with the developer team for sure  :D


Fun and well thought out idea - I'll defs pass this on. Thanks for the input

Your welcome btw I'm fine if the character doesn't get added 

"suffocate" strangles person with mask.


is there bombs


yes,Mail bomb


mail bomb is the best! i always use it on the bosses


Does this game have controller support, is that possible? Its kinda difficult to play co-op with a bunch of fingers on the keyboard at the same time. I would love it if controller support was added to this game, it would make it so much easier to play with a friend without accidentally smashing each others fingers lol. The ability to customize the controls including the mouse would help a lot too.


It has partial controller support. It's worked well for me

yes you can but you can only for player 1


Actually one of the most fun beat em ups I've ever played


Good times! Thanks for the kind words! 


I finally replicated the glitch :D so in this picture the manager boss choke hold me when I was outside the window so I flew up to the next floor, I have encountered this before with the pacifist perk which basically killed all of the guys below me, so I thought this was kinda yanky. Btw can you nerf window? with window the game kinda becomes trivial since with earthquake and point

Lots of people LOVE the window action. But thank you for the report and your suggestions 


looking foward to the next update :D

It will happen :)




(1 edit)

No update? Is the game abandoned?


100% not abandoned - the last update was a BIG one so please hang in there - the team is working hard! 

when is the new update? I've been waiting for more than 2 months :(

Things are being worked on! :)

(1 edit)

"the snakey guy" - passive chance to inflict venom (1/2/3 dmg every sec) ^ new passive that comes with character (uprgradable) snake: yeet snake (does 2 dmg and 1 dmg every second) snek: yeet snek (does 4 dmg, makes enemies uncontrollably laugh and does 2 dmg every second) chunky snek: yeet (does 6 dmg, makes enemies piss themself and does 3 dmg every second) ^new moves that come with character

i found this game from captainsauce while i was looking for eat the rich

if you add this i will be very surprised

Funny enough - someone else on the Discord suggested some snek attacks - thanks for your input 

classy snek is me



Every time i try to play, it automatically scrolls to the bottom. I don't know if it does this in-game because i cant get past the menus

For me its "up".. all menus try to scroll up (eg resolution) and only using mouse works.. However difficultyscreen has mouse disabled so cannot change anything there.. Win7 64bit laptop with no external HID devices (log says that touch is enabled but no such device etc).

It has been 97 days since the last update.

Yup - and the last update was a BIG one! Hang in there ;) 

(1 edit) (+1)

the game is great but I have some ideas 
all diffucultys have same medal it would be nice if every mod had special medal.
and online would be nice but making online is hard still prety cool game totally recomended

i like those and i would prefer not to change that as i have lag and i constantly fall out of windows and it is tough to get enemy's out of windows so it is a reward so mayby it could be an option

throwing out people is cool. so lets just delete that part

Thanks for the suggestions

recomendation for the game that id love to see, an upgrade that lets you throw furniture. you dont have to do it or anything, i was just sharing ideas. love the game, and i hope for future updates!\


Hi, you can join their discord server if you want. There is a special channel about suggestions :D


Yup - the Discord is a great place to share ideas :) 

thank you, ill be sure to check it out.

(1 edit)

can you pleas add the p to spawn boxes again

surely that makes it too easy? 

can we have just a little sneek-peak beacuse i really wanna know what is gonna be the next update *exiting noises*

I'll ask the team if there's any news we can share :) 

Is the game abandoned or is an update planned? It's been several months


It's far from abandoned - it's a small team and they're working hard on cool new things. Also the last update was a HUGE one. 

good game.

good comment - thank you! 


Amazing game!!!

Thanks for the upload! Good luck with your channel

Good game for expressing our own rage against company XD gg



Been a while since I enjoyed playing a game this much.


(1 edit) (+2)

An endless mode could be really cool also being able to choose the color of the player would be nice

Fun ideas - thanks 

(1 edit)


The team is aware of issues on the Mac build - thanks for letting us know! 

This game is amazing I played it once and I was immediately hooked. Would recommend for all audiences!

Thanks Daily Milk - the team appreciates the positive feedback :) 

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