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The game does not detect the controller, the controller is plugged in, but playing with the keyboard

If you're using an Xbox controller in Windows it should plug and play.

ooooh some ice based moves sounds like a cool thing to add sometime in the future (if it would not be too stressful for you that is)

For interest sake - do you mean freezing somebody like Sub Zero or making the floor slippery with ice? 

both sound really cool.

but yeah, both are kind of what I had in mind (although it's already like your enemies are on ice when you have the clumsy enemies perk)


Clumsy Enemies is pretty OP ngl


(1 edit)

also i have never played mortal kombat (but i get what you mean)

the head of the workout department needs to chill



i was searching for funny SITTSM pics, and found this


(1 edit) (+1)

Me and a friend shreked the final boss as banana men (on hard)


Sounds like good times were had! Super cool that people are making the most out of the multiplayer. 

i want the new version

It's going to happen, hang in there :) 

Very good game just i was spamming space and now im stuck on the "select 2 moves  to swap screen"

Hmmmm .... are you on Windows or Mac? 


When you max out the "shout" (I think the maxed out version is called "mobstifier" or something), when you summon a buncha people, and all the enemies are dead, they get stuck and I cant proceed to the next level. I notice that they are supposed to jump out the window, but they always get stuck anyways. I think you should add like a button to kill them so I can proceed.

Thanks for your suggestions and letting us know. Any other feedback thus far? :) 

it's called "mob justice" and pretty much, I always have the common sense to kill 'em. And if you will be asking about those assassins that jus come outta nowhere and you get him as yo slave (sorry for not using a child-friendly word) he just tries to get outta there.

I think i got the game last tuesday, it is soooo fun (plz put this game on steam).

We love that you're having a good time playing. Steam would be the end goal - thank you. 

(1 edit)

This game is fucking amazing Jesus, I ain't got money now but when I do, i am most definitely donating,

Nice to see people having fun with it. Thank you

had to use extrovert to get him

Nicely done! 

Just got saitama

"In Exchange For Power, Maybe I’ve Lost Something That Is Essential To Being Human."

I will do anything

32bit pc though any version for 32bit if this doesnt work?

That would be the issue - 64bit only Im afraid.

pls help

why does it says cant run your pc 

it keeps freezing why it doesn't work

I am telling you this is the best game ever. Keep on going game devs I love you!

Thank you for the encouraging words. The team appreciates them.


As soon as it's the best it can be. 

Linux Please

Maybe further down the line the team can get to a Linux version - but as of right now their energies are focussed on the Windows and Mac Builds




I think I won't stop commenting Stick it to the Stick man cause I don't have anything to do and it's one of my favorite games

(1 edit)

We love that you're passionate about the game! For interest sake - what are your favorite parts?


Jeff Bezos boss fight and start of the game (when you play it for the first time). Overall, the game is great. Thanks for giving us info, being nice and taking care of the community :)

No problemo ;) Thanks for the input 


This game is far from dead if someone didn't know


The Scarf has spoken! And yes it is FAR from dead. 


Heck Yeah!

I have encountered a glitch where when you reset to elevator it renders you over the enemies and they cant attack you and you can only attack them through ranged attacks and have to reset to elevator to fix it.

(1 edit)

Thanks for letting us know - I'll pass it on to the team. 


this game is epic!

You're epic for saying so. The team appreciates the kind words.


 can you add online multiplayer

how do u play local multiplay?

First step is to make sure you have the latest version

Then you press x to join with player 2 . 


The game is really fun, and I also like that you can make your own levels!

Thanks for the positive feedback! Great to see people having fun with different aspects of the game. 

muğ adammm

Its gonna be too big update


I think we might have lost each other in translation here. But the next update is going to be a fun one ;) 


Hey! this game is awesome!!!! the hit satisfactions are impressive and the motions are smooth as silk!!! This game should be on the Steam!

Is there any contact point (such as email) that can reach you?

Thank you for the positive feedback.A Steam release would be the final goal, but there's still A LOT of work to be done. To clarify are you wanting to get in touch re: Steam or something else? 

Thanks for the reply! I just want to introduce this awesome game to my company. We are a global gaming publisher and also investor for indie steam games :D  It would be great if you let me know your email address for introducing my company to you :)


I got shown some awesome new stuff today. Hang in there, the next update is going to be super fun!

Super Fun game, played it on stream, and beat it for the first time. I love the ragdoll player and enemies, the types of player abilities and combos you can use are astoundingly large. Overall Super Great Game

Thanks for the positive feedback! Was the stream on YouTube or Twitch?


Sadly it doesnt run on 32 bit

Afraid not

What dead its fun as heck

Fun = good! Thanks for playing

So uh, even if this game is dead and the fanbase and also dying, may we get an update? I mean, some people still like this game, I hope.


the game isnt dead, its awesome

Thank you Mitch :) 

I swear on my cats life that this game is far from dead. Cool stuff is being worked on but the team is making sure that it's functioning as it should. If you have any doubts - head over to our Discord for some sneak peeks.  

Damn, it's been a long time since the game was published

And we've been able to watch it grow up together! Thanks for being there from the start ;) 

This game has a huge potential

Deleted 3 years ago

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