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game dosent work


We haven't had any issues recently - can you tell us what system/platform you're trying to play on? 

windows 10 64 bit or something idk 


this is my fav game bro i like kicking groins *this is an joke and i like the game


why its just an black screen with the version text?

(1 edit) (+1)

does it work for windows7   32 bit?


Please respond?


I'm afraid we need all the bits to make the game as awesome as possible - so it's 64bit only 


How long Demo Version Will End

The team is hard at work on awesome new content and the full game is scheduled to come out this year. 

Is this the original "Stick it to the man" game?
Or something different?

This is the original Stick It To The Stickman, 100% unrelated the game you mentioned apart from similarities in the title. 

(1 edit)

I found bag, if you  play in coop mode, and every player die on the last stage after pvp, the game just stops.

Thanks for letting us know! 

I have just one question for the full game. In its Start Up Mode (If there is one), will you be able to change the room type for the floors? In the original it was the same basic ladder. If not, it's completely fine. Keep up the good work though, this is one of my favorite games.

And by the "room type", I mean like the levels, party, garage, or the spa area.


Good question! Let me check with team and get back to you :)


Thank you!

should i play demo

If you like having fun - then yes! (Although I am biased) 

Show post...

Does Anyone Have The Building Editor Version? Or Is It Listed Here?

The Social Network V0.80A has the startup mode. Someone on the Free Lives Discord may have it :

The general bug i've noticed is sometimes, some enemies suddenly get stuck in the floor causing chaos(constant hit sound, props being flung, the enemy whailing etc.). This glitch is rare but weird. It existed in older versions too. Mostly glitch is triggered by performing an attack(commonly punches or kicks) against specific enemy.

Thanks for letting us know :) 

No problem ;)

Can't wait for game to be released.

Speaking of which, which month it will be released? February? March?

No official exact dates yet - but when there is more news to share, we will update all the relevant outlets asap!

(1 edit) (+1)

There is a bug where if there is a coffee machine next to a chair and you press enter to drink coffee while being close enough to the chair, you will sit in the chair while the coffee registers as having been drunk, but you will not get the +1 hp from drinking it

I encountered this on version 4


Thank you for the report!

Amazing game, I am really suprised about the criativity of such games here at itch. Congrats!


Thank you :) 

will you add other buildings as demos?


For now it's just the 2 buildings. There will be more areas in the full game. 


what does shame ability do


so, im looking through the trailer and steam demo, and I'm seeing that the other modes than neurolink and financial seem to be pretty similar to financial. will these modes be unique or just more of the same thing?

Do you have an idea of when will the game be released?

3,6,9 months?

We'll update all the relevant places when we have a finite release date :) 

Where i can find version with neurolink facility

Click these above, depending on your operating system

Is this gonna be free?


The full game will have a cost. 

How much? I'd price it at about $10-15 AUD


No official news on price yet, thanks for the suggestion :) 

You're welcome anytime. Good luck with the game!

i love beating up orphans

tomara que lança de graça porque se tiver modo online vai ter muita gente pra jogar

am I able to get older versions?

Somebody on the Free Lives Discord might be able to help you :

will you guys release a version for other buildings. and if yes wich ones?


The whole World ofc motah fukas

in the steam demo you can look at the other buildings and see the other modes planned, but I think they arent posting anything new until the full release


no more banana man?

why cant i go past 5 dollar


All the wage options will be in the full game. 

beat the game first, higher wage = higher difficulty

i did

its the second one it was on july 20 thats the download i belive

for us who are to young to buy the game will the office tower be able to fully complete? like with all the upgrades rather than just some?

if you looked at the file it says demo so probbaly not. but that woudl still be very nice to have.


when the game is fully out will it be free?


The full game will have a cost when it is released, no news on the exact price yet. 



omg its the game every youtuber i know has played!!!!!!!


We've had a great response on YouTube, which channels are your fav? 

this is really good i like to kick to the eye socket


We'll take that as a compliment...

which one is office tower version

i really want to get it

its not working

When you say it's not working - can you tell us what exactly is happening when you click? 

i did everthing correctly but it no office tower its different

no button for office tower

uh im ultra confused

(1 edit)

help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im begging you

Sounds like you installed the Neurolink Demo.
Click download again and make sure it says officetower in the filename.
If you're on Windows - it's the first file.
If you're on Mac it's the 3rd file :) 

when will this game be released?

No exact dates just yet - but the info we have for now is 2024

I'm just asking if you can make a remote connection function (using machine translation).


The Steam version has remote play.


i want to play this game on linux, when will linux version come???:(

if you mean the normal game just download the demo on steam but if you mean the neurolink version the im not sure

Linux will be something the teams looks at in the future. 

I like this game lol


We like that you like it! Thank you for playing. 

i think it's good that. someone make this game :)

We're busy doing just that :) 

Deleted 1 year ago

how do i get office tower


On mac, the menu buttons are blank, the health bars don't show and the promotion labels for attacks don't pop up.

Thanks for the report - we are aware of these issues. Can you please let us know more about what you're playing on and what iOS you're using -thanks. 

ok it’s a Mac book air to the most recent update

Oh bye the way, I love your game!

oh wait this is the reply to the comment below 

Having the same issue except that there's no menu at all when booting, using Sonoma 14.1.1


Apple M3 Pro



(1 edit)

Have you tried: Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'  ?


on Mac, some of the menu buttons are blank

(1 edit)

We've taken note of certain menu-related issues on specific Macs. Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Could you kindly provide further details about the device you're using and the iOS version?

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