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Please make it for mobile it will get more downloads that way too



can you please make it so i can play it on chrome book i just ordered my first pc so i wont need it unless im "doing" schoolwork but it would be helpfull

I really enjoyed the jogger mode. Really fun game.

This game really brought back the memories of the classic stick fighting game so really glad I played it and highly recommend anyone to play this. Feel free to check out my video on the game 

game dont work, give me back my money

the game is free lol

how to get free?


When i download, it says Download error or when i finished downloading it says removed when i click on it (aka it automatically deletes it) and sometimes says connection problem, please help. This is for other games too


okay I will play it


This was SO much fun and there is so much replayability! I'll definitely be playing more of this in my spare time to unlock everyone else! Nicely done, you maniacs!

i cant even download game plz help

I keep getting to a point where I get the new text promotion and got softlocked 2 times. For the rest it's amazing!

(1 edit) (+1)(-4)



Lol, true

So I'm on Mac and I have the file unzipped into an application, but every time I open it the game would crash and would give me a (Title) quit unexpectedly. Can I have some help please?

Can You Make It For A 32-bit computer laptop just saying

(1 edit) (+3)

good fucking game. but i do want to take note :D

1. settings options, yk.. i wanna play this game while hearing my favorite podcast at the same time, so an option like music off would be great

2. needs more character or more floors. im addicted :3 so me expect more you know

thats it, please take my note

use volume mixer then lower it's volume


pls make it for linux i really want to play this

For now you should use wine to play this

крайне интересно, я первый кто на русском напишет отзыв игре, или нет, ну да ладно, игра в целом неплоха и задумка интересная, очень интересная, и вопрос, а пинки в воздухе(многочисленные) должны при особой прокачке валить всё и вся? и будет ли русский язык в этой игре?

(1 edit) (+1)

please make this on steam 

would buy on steam for 10 dollars 

How much more content do you think it needs to be worth 10 dollars?

(1 edit) (+3)

 a few more bosses if you beat the game you unlock a hard mode

will this be made for steam?


also steam mods is not needed but it would be nice and I don't know how to program so I don't know how hard steam mods are

I agree with pog lol but I personaly wold make like a super bad version I am playng on my notebook and......It is on FIRE when I play this so please consider that thx.

(1 edit) (-3)

ps4 plz

also online mode and version for potato computers


why would they port to ps4? also, there is a potato mode, you just can't read. online would also be too hard to code as well.

shutup bitch

Amazing game, but i found few bugs.

Firstly the most game breaking one. If you get too many perks with lvlups or boxes only option left will be white no-text perk, this one cant be picked and stucks you in picking screen.

Secondly some moves don't work or work incorectly when used under unusual circumstances. e.g. when using hadoken while jumping regular gun is used instead.

And for last one I noticed, sometimes bosses wont die when kicked out of the window, thus making progression impossible.


Thanks for the feedback!! I think we'll have a build up later today that fixes these (we're working on it)

Glad you enjoyed it!!! (it's been fun making it)

how to mute



can you mate a version for this on the web pls?


this should become a steam game 10/10


they already have made games for steam so maybe?


When I open it, it gets stuck on a grey background. I'm on the new macbook with the M1 chip, maybe thats the problem?


Same I'm also on the m1 Macbook

Made a video on this, was the best action game I've played on the channel (seriously)! Hope you like the vid, the game was awesome!

nah my n̴i̴g̵g̴a̷

make this game for 32 bit

i agree with you


help whenever i attack it changes my weapon


thats the point.

it says i download error-forbidden or just says removed


wanna know something cool if you press backspace you will get reset to the bottom of the tower with special abilities you have to do this only on "business hours" 

i have a couple additions to add if you press "p" you spawn one of those boxes

numpad+ adds to your combo
numpad- deals damage

and f1 and f6 start slomo at different speeds

thanks (:

Make this game compatible with linux/ubunt

Is there anyway I can optimize this game I put it on I have a bad pc and its still super laggy

"no one cares", so, why would anyone care about your situation

i hit download but i dont have the exe to open i looked in my folder and files

you have to right click the folder, and then either use 7zip or winzip to extract the files, then once its done, open the new folder, which is named the same, but looks different, and theres your .EXE file

How do i get it into the exe i cant open it

(1 edit)

U need install Winzip (free 30 days) or peazip (free) and extract exe to files in this programs



Fun game, though a bit laggy, even on the "I have a weak pc" setting.

i dont know how to download it


hint: click download dipsh**


click download now, and make sure you have 7zip or winzip to extract to a folder or desktop. (PC)

Please add online coop at certain point, would love to play this with a friend


Can you help me download Stick It to the Stick Man

this is so addicting

(1 edit)

Why does it say Failed - Forbidden when i try to download the game. Can anyone help? I've been finding videos and follow the steps but it doesn't look like it helps


Make it mobile come on I am on chrome mobile and I want to play but I can't make mobile version with everything just copy and paste it and use same models its that easy 

(1 edit) (-5)

Just make mobile please just copy and paste everything its that simple or not idk how to code tell me if I'm wrong 


it's not just a copy and paste,there's compatibility issues like the controls and resolution,not to mention instalation size isn't the same between pc and mobile

you do realize that mobile has a smaller screen, and needs on screen controls. 



This is just a prototype. And even if the full game comes out there's very unlikely chance of mobile being a platform.

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