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Please this was the most fun I have had in a while. i have been sick and this really made me feel better!!! Thank you for making :) 

how wholesome :) same here this game was so much fun i cant wait for updates if there is any

right, same its soo good!!!

can you guys make it elagble play on Chromebook please i played the game at friends house and fell in love with it

sooo SATISFYING just going through em all, didn't expect Jeff Bezos to be the boss :D :D :D 

i borne roblox  soo.. i found this game (:

what do wages do

(1 edit)

they incrase enemy spawn 

They also replace some enemy's with harder enemy's

Basically the higher the wage the higher the difficulty.

can you make one that's not a . zip lol my WinRAR expired

You could use the default unzipping options for either mac or windows to extract the folder

im trying to play but the screen just turns black and doesnt work. (im on mac)

If you're on Mac M1 there's an instruction in the description.

El juego esta 10/10 me lo pase jugando dias desde que willyrex jugo el jugo

I went for my grossest run today, and it's nasty...great job, devs!

how do you update

You'll have to manually download the new ZIP file above. Hope that helps!

thank you

i have to kill myself why 

Deleted 3 years ago

that’s what I’m trying to find




Amazing Game

(1 edit)

You guys know you can press tab to make them speak?

Espero que saquen mas opciones, como una repeticion en camara lenta cuando te despiden, tambien me gustaria que le adecuaran graficos de bajos recursos para PC de poca gama (spilers) para en al batalla final cuando el jefe del sombrero se vuelve issac newton y controla la gravedad lanzando muchos sticksmans se lagea e incluso en una PC de gama Media alta


Amazingly satisfying experience


The only complaint I have is when you level you have to bum rush the promotion because any extra xp you gain after triggering a promotion does not carry over to the next level. Basically you waste xp by killing the rest of the mobs if you don't collect the promotion. 

(1 edit) (+1)

could controller/gamepad support be a possibility in the future? also would have dropped 10-15$ if i had the money.


Controller/gamepad support should already work. If not, could you let me know what controller you are using?

i am using a gamesir t4 pro controller but sometimes the driver doesn't always work so it could have just been that also some people are right a graphics setting would be nice I'm on a low end laptop and it runs just fine but its does play a little laggy from time to time. sorry if i bothered you hope you and your team are doing great and i look forward to  your future projects.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Just me coming in for work, boy howdy, am I glad to have job in this economy, even if the pay isn't great, at least I'm paid! Golly, let me just get up from my desk and talk to my coworkers about just how gosh dang grateful I am! 


This game seems really promising still I'm not sure if it is possible but the i have a weak pc setting doesnt really make a big difference. So maybe implement a i have a potato pc which removes more or less all particles and other things which can be seen as unecessary to play the game.

Suggestions for the game : (LOTS OF)

Windows : - Glass washing enemy
- When you fell, you lose some health
- Bosses have a chance to come back by the elevator (too op if not)

Gameplay : - Multiplayer ?
- Headhitboxes are glitched sometimes
- Make the second boss's chain longer

Particles and performances : - The hit particles are too much, less is better
- Make a disappearing animation for the boxes
- Don't just delete corpses after a while, reduce theit opacity and then delete them

-Make so the game load only the rooms the player can see ang go to (clone them then delete them) because what is the point of loading the final boss if I just started a run ? Thx for reading ^^

this is so fun!! just completed the game with all 10 characters. my friends really liked it as well. there were a couple of bugs,(for example in the final boss, sometimes i would push him off the building and instead of re-appearing with the helicopter, he would stay down there, out of view. to fix this, i had to jump were i thought he may be and spam spacebar) but it's a really fun experience either way. hope you keep adding stuff!! i had a blast.


This game is just soooooooo fun to play!!!
I really hope new things, rooms, floors, bosses, skills and just new content in general comes soon, I just finished beating the games with all characters and I'm really excited for more!!!

can i please have the download link for 0.76


I'm coming from one of my favourite youtubers,his name is IRaphahell, he has 2M subscribers and it's from Romania,now,time to test your game! :D

best game ive ever played

hope u guys will add more stuff soon

This game is incredible, except sometimes enemies get stuck to unreachable areas such as high ceilings, and I have to restart. but other than that, 11/10

I just realized, this game is entirely based off of luck. Luck that you'll get the health boxes, luck that you'll get the upgrade boxes, luck that the final boss doesn't do his no gravity thing with a gun, and for gun wielders, luck that you get ammo boxes.

The chances of getting an ammo box are very fucking low.

Don't think so.
I beat the game with every character almost first try.
It depends on which moves you choose,
and how much your combo is.
I usually use the scream fully upgraded, where you get armies of people and then after I rack up 50 at the boss level, they beat him up pretty easily.
with a high combo and a machine gun, I killed the boss in under a minute.
The ammo boxes are not low, it depends how much you use the ammo. If you use a machine gun and only have the machine gun, obviously it will run out quickly.
This game has a little RNG, but its mostly skill and choices.
In conclusion, you're just bad.
(also, for the gravity thing hide behind the enemies. Or if you have an army he will shoot your goons instead of you.)

Could we get a download link for the previous version? I wanna mess around with debug mode


Also its a really good game, I would definitely pay for a full release


love the game! it's really fun!


This game is absolutely amazing! Honestly, I feel a bit offended, that this game doesn't cost any money. How am I ever supposed to charge money for games with free games like this out there.

Minor note: I got kicked into the ceiling by the big punchy boss which forcefully ended my run since I couldn't move anymore.

Where have all the OP perks gone?

sooooooooooo cool

I love it. Can't wait for updates...hopefully there'll be updates.

ONe thing, it sasy Y for Slomo in the botttom right...clicking Y doesnt do anythng?

It is x for keyboard. The prompt changes to Y when a controller is plugged in 

Ahhh ok. I didn't have a controller plugged in, but was using the same port and cable to charge my phone so maybe that's it

Nice graphics dude!

(1 edit) (+2)

Addictive as hell, beautiful in beefy PC mode for a stickman game, needs an endless mode.


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