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Чтобы его открыть надо в спортзалепробежать 10км сделать 100 -отжиманий, приседаний и упражнений на пресс. У этого перса есть уникальные движения обычный удар, серьёзный удар, обычная телепортация к врагу, серьёзная телепортация к врагу, на первом уровне эти способности не делают ничего, только замедляют процесс очередности действий, а также ничем не отличаются кроме названий.
To open it, you need to run 10 km in the gym, do 100 push-ups, draws and exercises. This Persian has unique movements of a normal blow, a serious blow, a normal teleportation to the enemy, a serious teleportation to the enemy, at the first level these abilities do nothing, only slow down the process of sequence of actions, and also do not differ in anything other than names. "Ketchup" was ahead of me by at least 6 hours.
there is a bug for me where if i choose saitama then it switches to max resolution when it loads in. i normally play on 640 x 400 since my computers not that good
please fix the glitch where you get stuck in a wall, it's ruined a very good playthrough i had but its not too big of an issue since it only happens every once in a while
It happens a lot for me while I'm on ladders but not sure if that's the same thing player_8008 was talking about but either way it is a bug. Also call of the void dev if you see this I just gotta say that you did an amazing job on the update and made a masterpiece of a game.
I'm giving another crack at fixing this now. I can probably fix it for 90% of the times it breaks the game, but there's so many edge cases with physics.
So glad you've enjoyed the game! (apart from being stuck in walls)
sorry i am late to reply but yes i was on a ladder and the few times it happened, either somebody died and i got stuck on a corpse, or i got hit and got stuck in the wall while going up the ladder
i found out that the new moves are kind of hastily drawn so can you please fix is im not saying the drawings are bad i think they are creative but can you just refine it a little
It would be cool if there would be a military veteran that would be on a wheelchair and would have two gun moves at the start and than a wheelchair move that would make him drive across whole flor and damage enemys and when fully upgraded it would shoot like a tank
I dunno if you guys notice this but if the fat boss grab you and then he fall out the building with you on his hand, the character gonna clip into the wall and sometime stuck in there. I’ve notice this bug since v76 lol
A few hours ago I killed the first boss then I went up and saw how about 2 guys fought while people supported them I thought it was normal I killed them but then they did not appear again
I rushed to beat everyone to the (flying) punch. Here's some V0.79X (now Y) gameplay!! New characters, new moves, and new secret/test character are AWESOME devs ❤️
bruh you do realize its free but you can just pay if you wanna support them right? but i'm probably giving you too much credit since you've already shown yourself to be an idiot
Good job! In my opinion your an idiot! You don't realize it but the cash helps that devs make this masterpiece of a game into one of the best games. They only ask you to donate its not like you have to to play it. and if they do make it so you have to buy the game then I hope you don't have the freetime to play it
a good way to get around that is to climb up the ladder when it pulls out the staple/taser gun and then come back down since its main strength is on cooldown
New update is GREAT!! <3 devs One smol issue I ran into with V0.79X is that I can't use my controller for actual gameplay, though. I can navigate the menus and character select with it, but actual gameplay it does nothing for me. Not a huge deal, just a bit of a learning curve for keyboard as I've only played with controller up until this version :)
This Game was soooo freaking fun an awesome, I loved the silliness of the game and all the different fighting styles you can earn and play with (The Weeb is my favorite one) , The boss fights were cool and helped me prepare for the final Stick Boss, It took me Awhile to figure out what was the points of combos but when I did holly smokes the damage was insane, really great game, I can't wait to see what you guys do next. I also did a lets play I Hope you guys will enjoy!
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why the hell did i lose all my progress after the new update???!
bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug bug
needs fixing needs fixing needs fixing
Is the update placed in the same drive where the old version was?
You guys are on top of updates this week 🤣 Won't catch me complaining, though!
Pretty nice concept. You cant quite you are fired :D 5/5 stars for me. Keep it up
Your game starts at 15:50
HAHA, love it
I uh what?
He's a big boi now!
good!but how to update?just download it again?
Yeah that's what I did
ok thx
En iyi oyun
Played it, It's good. Even runs well even on my crappy laptop.
Suffering from success
How though
Please fix this I would like to try new classes
oh nvm it's fixed now
Чтобы его открыть надо в спортзале
пробежать 10км сделать 100 -отжиманий, приседаний и упражнений на пресс.У этого перса есть уникальные движения обычный удар, серьёзный удар, обычная телепортация к врагу, серьёзная телепортация к врагу, на первом уровне эти способности не делают ничего, только замедляют процесс очередности действий, а также ничем не отличаются кроме названий."Кетчуп" опередил меня на 6 часов минимум.
Incase your american heres what FUTUR Said:
there is a bug for me where if i choose saitama then it switches to max resolution when it loads in. i normally play on 640 x 400 since my computers not that good
please fix the glitch where you get stuck in a wall, it's ruined a very good playthrough i had but its not too big of an issue since it only happens every once in a while
We're going to try. It's a very difficult bug. Did it happen to you on a ladder?
It happens a lot for me while I'm on ladders but not sure if that's the same thing player_8008 was talking about but either way it is a bug. Also call of the void dev if you see this I just gotta say that you did an amazing job on the update and made a masterpiece of a game.
I'm giving another crack at fixing this now. I can probably fix it for 90% of the times it breaks the game, but there's so many edge cases with physics.
So glad you've enjoyed the game! (apart from being stuck in walls)
sorry i am late to reply but yes i was on a ladder and the few times it happened, either somebody died and i got stuck on a corpse, or i got hit and got stuck in the wall while going up the ladder
I never stuck in the floor before, but when i kick the enemy to the roof, it disconnects and stuck there
Godenot Made A Video, It Looked Super Cool And I'm Looking Forward To More Game Updates
i found out that the new moves are kind of hastily drawn so can you please fix is im not saying the drawings are bad i think they are creative but can you just refine it a little
Good point! Yeah, they're not our best work :)
please add an option to remove the blum
Loved the game!!
It would be cool if there would be a military veteran that would be on a wheelchair and would have two gun moves at the start and than a wheelchair move that would make him drive across whole flor and damage enemys and when fully upgraded it would shoot like a tank
to be honest i'm pretty sure they wouldn't add that cuz its kinda insensitive to portray veterans like that
when i try and download it on itch.io it cancels the download
This is either your internet or your antivirus. You should try download the itch.io application and then download the game
ngl pretty good game for what it is
here the evidence
I dunno if you guys notice this but if the fat boss grab you and then he fall out the building with you on his hand, the character gonna clip into the wall and sometime stuck in there. I’ve notice this bug since v76 lol
i kick on that overweight guy before he could even drop me
loved The Game! Best Ragdoll Game I have Played For A While.
Did a YouTube video on it and enjoyed it alot!
I think that you should add customizable characters like clothing and weapon skins.
👍👌what exactly does the gym after beating the boss do? just wondering cause i dont wanna miss out on anything by skipping it
Do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats and run 10Km
After doing what Spongepierre said you will be proven worthy of a great power.
much ester egg
A few hours ago I killed the first boss then I went up and saw how about 2 guys fought while people supported them I thought it was normal I killed them but then they did not appear again
i'm pretty sure all the floors are randomly generated, not just the bosses so you may just be getting unlucky in regards of that floor spawning again
no there's order almost, the bost always have the same patern
I rushed to beat everyone to the (flying) punch. Here's some V0.79X (now Y) gameplay!! New characters, new moves, and new secret/test character are AWESOME devs ❤️
will it work on Android?
no :(
Get rid of name your price? guys i found it it can be free sorry im new to itch.io
I logged into my abandoned itch.io account just to downvote you.
bruh you do realize its free but you can just pay if you wanna support them right? but i'm probably giving you too much credit since you've already shown yourself to be an idiot
Good job! In my opinion your an idiot! You don't realize it but the cash helps that devs make this masterpiece of a game into one of the best games. They only ask you to donate its not like you have to to play it. and if they do make it so you have to buy the game then I hope you don't have the freetime to play it
bug where the elevator wont open even after I finished the floor, no enemies were left alive or anything like that.
happened after I downloaded the update
It looks like there is a door open in the level before. Elevator should open after you collect it
It won't work on my Mac. I am on macOS Big Sur, I don't know if that is a problem but I would like to download the game. Pls help!
its great but the first boss has a taser and its sooo op!
a good way to get around that is to climb up the ladder when it pulls out the staple/taser gun and then come back down since its main strength is on cooldown
yeah it broke my 10 combo
New update is GREAT!! <3 devs One smol issue I ran into with V0.79X is that I can't use my controller for actual gameplay, though. I can navigate the menus and character select with it, but actual gameplay it does nothing for me. Not a huge deal, just a bit of a learning curve for keyboard as I've only played with controller up until this version :)
Sorry for that! We updated the build, it should work now
No worries! Thanks a bunch <3
EDIT: DOH! My video calls out the V0.79X version and the new version is Y 😂 Luckily, easy to change an "X" to a "Y"
dats pretty weird
is a final
Do 100 push ups, 100 set ups, 100 squats and 10 km run to unlock saitama
did they add 32 bit version in the new update
GREAT GAME!!!!!!! that's all i have to say. Have a good day if you're reading this!!! :)
This Game was soooo freaking fun an awesome, I loved the silliness of the game and all the different fighting styles you can earn and play with (The Weeb is my favorite one) , The boss fights were cool and helped me prepare for the final Stick Boss, It took me Awhile to figure out what was the points of combos but when I did holly smokes the damage was insane, really great game, I can't wait to see what you guys do next. I also did a lets play I Hope you guys will enjoy!