I'm getting a glitch where the elevator won't open to take me to the boss room, after clearing a floor and grabbing upgrade. Seems to only happen with older bosses, works fine with the janitor guy and the zombie guy or whatever he is.
how do you update the game to play the updates? i cant figure out how, also i know how to get the secret banana kit ones but how do you get the other secret kits and stuff? i beat the game as every career but nothing new happened afterwards. its boring now. now. its boring.
To update just download the game again and extract to where you have previously installed and replace the game files this way you don't loose any progress. Hope this helps :D
You can beat the boss on the $24 wage and at the end screen, Stamp Jeff Bezo's face at least once, you get the "hit the Gym" option. Select it and do 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups and a 10 km run to unlock Saitama. It's worth it at the end
Can you pls balance the Jedi/Sith (The one who force chokes you). He's too strong, once he chokes you, you cant land a hit because he immidiately starts choking you again
He force chokes after yelling outsmarted so you can dodge him on the ladders and hit him before he yells. Keep repeating this and he wont be able to choke you.
You were just getting "Aimbotted" because you dont know how to not get hit during that. Just about everytime jeff makes you float other enemys will spawn. You also had problems with the huge crowds but heres the thing. Theres alot of them because in order to not get hit by jeff you need to go behind them before jeff shoots you. If you do it correctly then you will survive and there wont be a huge mob trying to kill you. Another thing you can do is hide behind the ledge of the building but only do that unless you need to because jeff probably will be over there already so its more of a last resort if no one is close enough to hide behind before he shoots.
This is an amazing game that definitely deserves a promotion :D The combat is fun, especially when you get multi-hit moves that straight up delete even minibosses. Although I do have just one gripe with the game and that is that there arent any amazing wacky synergies, most synergies are pretty straightforward, just being combos that you can do quickly and get away with. that said, I rate this a solid 9/10.
Ok, make sure you click the checkbox next to the motion blur button. will It is wordered weird. So it is saying if you turn that off, you will disable motion blur. Unless that does not work then Idk what to tell you.
If this ever gets added to Steam, there should be a workshop feature to make unique floors, moves, and perks, or whatever else is desirable. I would love to see this game being modded. This is an incredible game, well done on all fronts
They are currently adding the ability for you to make your own towers with your own starting moves(that are in the game) It's called custom mode and they showed a sneak-peak in the discord.
A stick game shouldnt be ABLE to look this good let alone on LOW graphics, but here we are. I've always been a fan of the roguelike "play, have fun, end run, repeat" process and this game adds a REALLY fun physics stick fight twist to the whole cycle. 9/10 a bit too hard for me but amazing
you should add different kinds of / colours of trophies for beating the game in each difficulty. That way there’ll be a lot more reason to play on difficulties other than the highest. Also, saitama has no trophy when I beat the game with him. Another idea would be a bit tough to implement but with some trying, I’m sure you could do something like this.
You could have an arcade mode. The first time you play it, it’s just the normal game. But when you play it the next time and onwards, the bosses are replaced by - YOU!!!
The same amount of health and move order that you had at that stage of the game. Making the ai will be quite tough but some basic functions are already done and going back a bit to use ranged moves and coming closer to use multi hit melees could be amazing. And if it you get stuck on a version, there should be a reset bosses button so the gameplay never stops. Being able to share your own dungeons with others could be something that takes the game to the next level, both in play and in community wise.
Also, in higher difficulties, moves should have a hit cap. I’m talking about moves like downsizing and human projectiles. Maybe 7 on medium and 5 or hard. Otherwise the final boss becomes underwhelming.
And this last thing is just an opinion but the swole boss is one of the few things I’d remove from the game. It makes players have to wait for the boss, something they don’t have much control over , and in a game like this, I don’t think the players are waiting for a stop-and-run moment.
All in all, absolutely love this game. Never felt like an early build with very few bugs. The soundtrack is amazing and the ending music is one of the best I’ve seen out of any game, completed or not. Will definitely be keeping an eye on future updates and maybe give an opinion now and then.
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Well you could stop fullscreen and select the resoulution a bit smaller
it helped me out....hey can you make it so you can dance on the dance floor Thank you.UWU
pls make a download for older version
can you guys make it so i can play on a Chromebook too i will leave a donation if you guys do
Literally one of the most entertaining games i've ever played would recommend
Mano tu tem que fazer ele subir as escadas e bater nele enquanto ele sobe
Very fun game, i love it ^^
I'm getting a glitch where the elevator won't open to take me to the boss room, after clearing a floor and grabbing upgrade. Seems to only happen with older bosses, works fine with the janitor guy and the zombie guy or whatever he is.
Sorry about that. Is this on the latest version? Part 4
This is one of the best games!
alguem me ajuda eu n conssigo baixar o jogo eu baixo ele e ele some do nada
Can you make for 32bit please?
Had a lot of fun with the game, can't wait to try the weeb class :D Didn't think this game would go this far, great work good sir.
how do you update the game to play the updates? i cant figure out how, also i know how to get the secret banana kit ones but how do you get the other secret kits and stuff? i beat the game as every career but nothing new happened afterwards. its boring now. now. its boring.
To update just download the game again and extract to where you have previously installed and replace the game files this way you don't loose any progress. Hope this helps :D
You can beat the boss on the $24 wage and at the end screen, Stamp Jeff Bezo's face at least once, you get the "hit the Gym" option. Select it and do 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups and a 10 km run to unlock Saitama. It's worth it at the end
Can you pls balance the Jedi/Sith (The one who force chokes you). He's too strong, once he chokes you, you cant land a hit because he immidiately starts choking you again
He force chokes after yelling outsmarted so you can dodge him on the ladders and hit him before he yells. Keep repeating this and he wont be able to choke you.
this game is cool I GIVE IT 10/10JEFF AIMBOTTED ME
You were just getting "Aimbotted" because you dont know how to not get hit during that. Just about everytime jeff makes you float other enemys will spawn. You also had problems with the huge crowds but heres the thing. Theres alot of them because in order to not get hit by jeff you need to go behind them before jeff shoots you. If you do it correctly then you will survive and there wont be a huge mob trying to kill you. Another thing you can do is hide behind the ledge of the building but only do that unless you need to because jeff probably will be over there already so its more of a last resort if no one is close enough to hide behind before he shoots.
:) i know all of this i even completed game with every single character it was first time i died to jeff so i just wanted to share it
اللعبة حلوة والحركات سلسة
تراها شوي صعبة
This is an amazing game that definitely deserves a promotion :D The combat is fun, especially when you get multi-hit moves that straight up delete even minibosses. Although I do have just one gripe with the game and that is that there arent any amazing wacky synergies, most synergies are pretty straightforward, just being combos that you can do quickly and get away with. that said, I rate this a solid 9/10.
Only Itch.io game that I have sunk 3 hours straight in and can still see myself coming back. Fantastic game!
can you put me in the game
I'm getting a glitch that stops minibosses from taking damage and I have to restart the game every tim
Sorry about this. Which bosses is this problem happening with?
Very cool game
LEGIT love this game
if you make more i will play because games like this is so fun
I like the game but my computer cannot run motion blur and disable motion blur doesn't work for me for some reason
Ok, make sure you click the checkbox next to the motion blur button. will It is wordered weird. So it is saying if you turn that off, you will disable motion blur. Unless that does not work then Idk what to tell you.
If this ever gets added to Steam, there should be a workshop feature to make unique floors, moves, and perks, or whatever else is desirable. I would love to see this game being modded. This is an incredible game, well done on all fronts
They are currently adding the ability for you to make your own towers with your own starting moves(that are in the game) It's called custom mode and they showed a sneak-peak in the discord.
i am not updateing my damn mac
A stick game shouldnt be ABLE to look this good let alone on LOW graphics, but here we are. I've always been a fan of the roguelike "play, have fun, end run, repeat" process and this game adds a REALLY fun physics stick fight twist to the whole cycle. 9/10 a bit too hard for me but amazing
best fucking stick game I ever played. The gameplay is smooth and is fun as crap. Hope you keep updating this
I like this game
Turn off your antivirus. It automatically deletes few files for no reason on some devices. If it still doesn't work, download it from other browser.
Me likey
I have played this game so many times it is soooo good
que tal poderes de necromante?
would be nice if you added shotguns and cosmetics.
Also btw if you can add a necromancer ability since there are zombie like dudes
Oh, like a "crunch mode" or "overtime" skill that makes fallen enemies work for you
this would be a great addition
Guys for some reason when i went to my files i saw somthing called DawnZip_Part3 have you guys got that yet
Yes that is the newest update
Well now the newest version is New Dawn Part4
you should add different kinds of / colours of trophies for beating the game in each difficulty. That way there’ll be a lot more reason to play on difficulties other than the highest. Also, saitama has no trophy when I beat the game with him. Another idea would be a bit tough to implement but with some trying, I’m sure you could do something like this.
You could have an arcade mode. The first time you play it, it’s just the normal game. But when you play it the next time and onwards, the bosses are replaced by - YOU!!!
The same amount of health and move order that you had at that stage of the game. Making the ai will be quite tough but some basic functions are already done and going back a bit to use ranged moves and coming closer to use multi hit melees could be amazing. And if it you get stuck on a version, there should be a reset bosses button so the gameplay never stops. Being able to share your own dungeons with others could be something that takes the game to the next level, both in play and in community wise.
Also, in higher difficulties, moves should have a hit cap. I’m talking about moves like downsizing and human projectiles. Maybe 7 on medium and 5 or hard. Otherwise the final boss becomes underwhelming.
And this last thing is just an opinion but the swole boss is one of the few things I’d remove from the game. It makes players have to wait for the boss, something they don’t have much control over , and in a game like this, I don’t think the players are waiting for a stop-and-run moment.
All in all, absolutely love this game. Never felt like an early build with very few bugs. The soundtrack is amazing and the ending music is one of the best I’ve seen out of any game, completed or not. Will definitely be keeping an eye on future updates and maybe give an opinion now and then.
Great job.
cara alguem me ajuda eu baixo o jogo mais ele some ele nem apareci nos downloads ele e apagado na hora q eu baixo o jogo