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cool game in all but nerf the graphics... i still cant even run the game on the "i have a weak pc" setting

other then that cool game lol

I've seen people have more success with motion blur turned off. Give it a try :) 

(1 edit)

and i did motion blur was always off. sorry i forgot to mention that lol

(1 edit) (+1)

wait how do u download it

edit: nvm i figured it out

Glad you got it sorted out - if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. 

my game suddenly gone from laptop. im downloading rn but why did it disappear


Good job with the game love it

Thanks Benjgamer! Love is a big word - thank you for the compliment. 


how do u download

You're best bet is to use the itch app - head over to :

Or :

On Windows:  1) Download the file (click the "download now" on this page) 2) Right click on the downloaded zip and "Extract All" to a folder. 3) Enter the new folder and run "Stick It To The (Stick) Man.exe"

Running the game on a M1 Mac: Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'.


i love it from the bottom of my heart


That's a big compliment! Thank you!


Do you know if the next update coming this year? If so is it in the next like 3-4 months?


I've spoken to the team and there's definitely stuff coming this year/as soon as it's ready/awesome. If you want some inside looks and new content head over to the Discord for the good stuff : 


what happened? because im waiting few months for a new update


Updates will happen - The team is currently working on new stuff as we speak. 

okay, thank you for replying


Alright: got a new update for my quest!

so uhh, I've finally finished my quest to make Jeff ABSOLUTELY SAD by beating the game with all characters on hard diff. I've found a discovery that when Jeff is almost at no health, he shoots himself. Yeah. Btw, a firework display occurred while doing the last character in the Jeff's bossfight, interacted with the glitching dead dude, boom, blue n red. Even Jeff himself tried to do it XD . 10/10.


Oops forgot to list pants

but thanks This game has some potential.


Hats and some t shirts mabye a color change for the worker to that would be great!


yeah, what about the enemies?


extremely fun to mess about in and make your own "levels" aswell after you finish the game


Thanks! Great to see people having fun with the level creation :)  


super duper game l like it  :)


Thank you! 

Exclusive Passive upgrades will make a character more unique :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for the suggestion ,for interest sake which character have you been using the most? 

(1 edit) (+1)

I've been using the Beef Cake a lot because i like the move "get shredded", also "get swole" + "ground slam" is satisfying.


 REALY REALY Good game but can you add cosmetics to the game that would make a lot more fun


Thanks for the positive feedback - what sort of things would you like to be able to add/change?


Some goofy hats would be pretty fun. Even color skin changing so you're not using just the blue or purple one!

Also, more objects to interact with would be really fun. Like being able to throw a chair or a table or even some dead bodies.

The game has really simple controls, so it should be easy to port it to android

(2 edits)

Alright, got an update on my quest!

I actually got a miscount from one of my posts here: Post by LofiHyperHipHop in Stick It To The Stick Man comments - and that was actually 8/12.

It's 9/12 again tho :D

I didn't want trouble with the worst character (to me it was the slob) so I did that dude. Haha Fart egg mayo machine gun spam Mail bomb go brrrr

While in the jeff bezos boss I accidentally used my Fart egg mayo move while jeff bezos was conducting some sort of move that brings enemies from the back of the building (presumably) up to the boss, it was pretty weird and funny at the same time when in the middle of those dudes coughing, I found someone that looked like an ego maniac coughing and DEMATERALIZED?!?!?!

haha still fun experience.

Character idea:

the father:

ability: dad jokes: makes people laugh or get annoyed at puns

why can I not play this on mobile

As of right now - Windows and Mac are the only way. Thanks for your interest :) 

(1 edit)

Fun Fact: there's an enemy that acts like a dog when walking.

                I usually see him at the bossfight arc I like to call: "hard mode Bosses run" in which at the time of this typing, will try to beat the hard mode (25$ wage).

 I'm pretty successful so far beating the mode 9/12(9 being the number of characters ad 12 being the absolute total of characters.)


(1 edit)

Thanks for all the time you put in playing - sounds like you had fun! 

Yeah man, I also utilized the 2 player mode alot when my cousins are able to come to my home every Sunday :D

(1 edit)

Nice - so glad our game brings your family together. 

Well, kinda.

não estou conseguindo entender como faz pra jogar depois que vc extrai esto no macos

A maneira mais fácil de fazer tudo funcionar é usando o aplicativo

Also : Running the game on a M1 Mac:
Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'.

Hi I still have the issue where when I open the game, it says unity and the gray. I am on a mac. Could you please try to fix this?

The team is hard at work on the updates and is aware of issues with the current Mac build. Thank you for your patience. 


What can i do if it says:program cannot be started because there is no unityplayer.dll?

I find if people are having issues - the best solution is to try using the itch app :

When are you guys planning on launching the update?

Updates are on the way - there is no official date yet.

hey mate, is there a way you can implant auto update to the game, and where do i download anew update 

If you use the itch app - The itch app looks for game updates on start-up, and every 30 minutes. As of right now the last update was : 


Deleted 22 days ago
(1 edit)

Think very carefully about the choices you make when dealing with Jeff ( or ask on the Discord - lol ) 

Probably beat the game with most of the classes

you have to increase minimum wage


Attack idea:

Flail- attack all around you and does not make you lose combo if miss, but instead of losing combo when missing, you take damage


I love this game and I own it! The only downside of this game is that I can't really play it all the time due to the fact that sometimes I have to let other people use the only computer with high-enough specs to run it well (even on "I have a weak PC" mode), which can get very annoying sometimes. The most viable solution to this problem IMO would be if you were to release this game for console for free (Switch, PS5, you name it).

TL;DR please put this on console. also make it so this game is rated T at highest because I have parents that dont let me play M rated games. if the ESRB sees this game as it is and rates it M, please change the console version so it doesn't have what causes its M rating as specified by ESRB. (for example you should probably change "Sn*rt C*caine" to something like "Ultimate Power Drink" idk.)

OK? Hope you understand

All interesting suggestions - that being said the team is focused on making the Windows and Mac versions everything that they can be. I do think some of the magic will be lost if the game goes full ESRB friendly - but it's something to think about. 


epic hack n slash, nice music, cool classes, lags painfully but still playable on my potato computer, all in all, 9/10

Worker type suggestions:

Teleperson: basic attack is teleporting instantly at a random guy and punch him in the face, second level is teleporting and headbutting them, and max level is teleporting inside the strongest enemy nearby and imploding them

Cultist: basic attacks are punch, can curse a random nearby enemy causing them to slow down and are weaker, and can summon a crow that flies around and pecks at random enemies dealing damage, second level for the curse is a madness spell that causes a random enemy to be set on fire and attacks anybody, max level for curse is a death ray that shoots from your hand, anything in its path drops down to 1 hp and falls on the ground, second level for the summon spell is a dog that jumps on a random enemy and mauls them to death and leaves, max level is a ghost that can fly through floors and possesses random enemies and fights other enemies, can only possess 3 enemies before disappearing

Necromancer: knife throw, punch, and every 8th enemy comes back to life as a green zombie minion, and can harvest the soul of a random zombie to regain 5 or more health, second level for the zombie spell is every 5th enemy killed is a zombie, max level is every 3rd enemy, second level for soul harvest is that it can now effect enemies that are damaged, max level is that if a wounded enemy or zombie is killed with this ability, they explode dealing damage to everyone around them. idk im spitballing here cuz i wanna see more different classes in the game

you clearly put more thought into some of your ideas than I do

Thanks for the suggestions - hope your potato situation resolves soon. People have better performance turning off motion blur.  

Viva Reverie should make stick it to the stickman but really really fast

Who is Viva Reverie???

(1 edit)

they make those ____ but really really fast videos such as this:

(P.S use captions for extra funny)

I've watched an episode of this specifically the Dio vs Jotaro one so no need


Really cool and interesting hack n slash?

People have called it more of a rogue-lite. But cool & interesting are words that we like - thank you :) 

Sorry I don't really play games like this often so idk what I'm talking about lmao

We're not label snobs here - you learn something new every day :) 

Actual legend. Wish I could dono but i don't have enough money :( wish all the best in your new projects though

I got this game recently, and I love it! Can't wait for an update! Can you send me the file for the background of the store page? (I want that as my background.) 



I'll ask the guys when everyone is back in the office (for the background) Thanks for the positive feedback.

Hyphenza Is The Game For 32Bits Or 64Bits

64 bits 

i'm having a bug, when i start the game, the unity logo pops up, but then after the logo pops up, the screen goes into a shade of black

Are you on Windows or Mac? 

i'm on mac

Have you tried this : Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'.

doesn't work

I have the same problem too

(1 edit)

Can you please fix the bug that i have? The issue is that when i start up the game where i'm sent to the little world it doesn't say financial offices on the tall building and it doesn't say start-up on the building with the rocket ship AND there's no bitcoin logo also it doesn't say coming soon where there's a structure for a building.(please fix it by the end of easter). :( i'm on windows btw


it dosent work it grat skreens

Are you on Windows or Mac ? 


Never thought i'd love this game so much. Played it for like 5 hours straight. I love games with upgrades, unlocks and cool moves like these. Amazing job and looking forward to more stuff being added!

5 hours well spent! Thanks for the positive feedback.


(1 edit)

I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Can you describe the issue that you're having in more detail? 

I have ideas for more event floors (such as bathroom and ice rink) as well as a concept idea for building/floor/character modifiers (such as the floor is lava, which makes it so random stuff is scattered on the floor and touching the floor does damage to you, and random upgrades) plus an idea for abilities other than slow-mo (such as rage toss, which makes you toss a random nearby enemy/object and things you toss can have varying effects depending on what you throw.

I haven't seen an office space with an ice rink before. Altho I do live in a very hot climate - lolz.


Really fun game, should be more popular


That's very kind of you to say. The most important thing is that people are having a good time playing

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