i'll never understand why, but this is ligit the funnest game i have ever played. especialy the demo, i mean i can play the demo for hours before i get bored. cant wait for the mode to grow out of the demo. sorry it was so long
How do I lower or turn off certain graphics since there is only the "my pc is weak" or something option? Like is there a file in the game folders where I can turn down the graphics manually?
i can't play the game on mac when i download the mac version thereis nooption to run the game just useless game files with no game how do i fix this i wish i could but i don't so can someone tell me how to fix this
or when its downloaded double click *stick it to the stickman* then *stickman data* will show up under that should be *stick man neuro or social (which ever one you downloaded)* double click that then click extract when it pops up then click ok then itll downlaod and then you should take you to a page click on the stick it to the stickman
ok, bug report, when I get the boss down to half and he makes everything white and I have to fight more people, sometimes it locks my powers during the fight with the dark npc's, not after. just a little bug report, hope it helps the def team. and thank all of you for this amazing game❤❤❤
I dont know about everyone else, but I would like to have a subtitle setting. cuz I have no idea what the boss in this demo is saying, plus it would be good to have for future updates. plz❤
its a very cool game! i reccomend for startup company you can disable the upgrade things in the middle of every fight, because it makes the challenge of beating my office with only starting items impossible. thanks!
Super laggy, is this normal? I pressed "I have a weak PC" and turned off motion blur, exited fullscreen, changed the resolution, but it's still laggy. Is there any way to fix this?
I am playing on a intel core i5, 8gb ram, with a AMD Radeon R7 200 series GPU. I used to play this game with no lag problems, i decided to download it back because i saw someone on yt play it and wanted to start it over and play it again. i downloaded the neurolink test version and picked "i have a weak pc" and turned off motion blur. the lag was terrible. idk if my pc is just that bad but when i used to play it was silky smooth. after that i thought the neurolink version was just too strong for my pc. so i booted up the original. the lag was still horrible despite me picking the i have a weak pc setting. and it didn't make much of a difference.
Idea For Next Update: you can make your own employee or bossfight (upper management). base starts of like a employee. you can toggle bossfight healthbar on/off. you can change the characters health. categories to make it: hats,services,perks. you can also make it's icon. after saving it, it will appear in finnical offices and appear in the character wave selection. if you think this is very good idea, maybe you could make it for the next update.
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i'll never understand why, but this is ligit the funnest game i have ever played. especialy the demo, i mean i can play the demo for hours before i get bored. cant wait for the mode to grow out of the demo. sorry it was so long
The team really appreciates the positive feedback - thank you!
is the boss coming back on the helicopter when you throw him off a reference to sundowner?
There are a couple of Metal Gear fans at Free Lives Hq....
this should be on steam so downloading updates and the base game is easier, also this game is amazing :D
A fully functional and super fun Steam version is something the team is working towards.
Is there a way to get the older version and is there a way to mute the sfx? I also can't see the menu.
Are you on a Mac or Windows setup?
How to play multiplayer?
You can play local multiplayer on The Social Network version
Did the neurolink demo get an update?
You need to check which version you have - the latest Neurolink download is : 0.18Z
Would kill for a volume slider and key rebinding
Key rebinding is something the team will be looking at for the full game.
Will this game come out on switch?
Never say never - but right now - the team is focused on getting the Pc & Mac versions to their full potential!
How do I lower or turn off certain graphics since there is only the "my pc is weak" or something option? Like is there a file in the game folders where I can turn down the graphics manually?
turn off motion blur
how do I turn of motion blur?
Turning off motion blur has worked for a bunch of players
I can't get in the game without pressing X and I can't interact with anything in the select wage menu
Are you on Windows or Mac?
i can't play the game on mac when i download the mac version thereis nooption to run the game just useless game files with no game how do i fix this i wish i could but i don't so can someone tell me how to fix this
The best solution is to try use the itch app : https://itch.io/app
or when its downloaded double click *stick it to the stickman* then *stickman data* will show up under that should be *stick man neuro or social (which ever one you downloaded)* double click that then click extract when it pops up then click ok then itll downlaod and then you should take you to a page click on the stick it to the stickman
can I ask, will the game be put on steam one day, and will it still be free?
It will eventually be on Steam. It will have a price tag, but we don't yet know what that'll be (it depends on how much more we add).
may I request a key for me and my sister when it does come out on steam, I would like to play the game but we have no money to buy it, I beg plz
It's a good game. It would be better if it had simplified Chinese. I think my friends would like it.
i didnt know that u cant play the original in the neurolink demo
Yes that file is just for the Neurolink demo.
Can you add Endless into Nerual Link and base game?
that sounds like a good idea
Thanks for the suggestion.
idk if its just me but the game would be better if it had online multiplayer if you can
I agree fully
well i guess but it would be out of the games stile
V0.80A has a local multiplayer option....
I lost some of my progress.
every time I try to play it just is a blank screen for me thats grey
Are you on an M1 Mac ?
oh no do I need a M1 Mac and I cant play on a macbook pro?
No - just checking what setup you were using because that issue was common with some M1 Macs. Have you tried using the itch app? https://itch.io/app
yea I tried but it did not work
ok, bug report, when I get the boss down to half and he makes everything white and I have to fight more people, sometimes it locks my powers during the fight with the dark npc's, not after. just a little bug report, hope it helps the def team. and thank all of you for this amazing game❤❤❤
Thank you for the report - I shall pass it on to the team :)
I dont know about everyone else, but I would like to have a subtitle setting. cuz I have no idea what the boss in this demo is saying, plus it would be good to have for future updates. plz❤
i agrre
Thanks for the feedback - I’ll pass your suggestions on to the team.
spikes is pretty good combined with mind attack, slaps and ponder. I locked the boss in place and cut it's HP in half in around 6 seconds
Sounds like fun was had
i dowloded the Neurolink version several times and it always sed << file UnityPlayer.dll wasn't found>> even tho the program was still there.
Have you extracted all of the files properly ?
im prety sure yea but would you mind re-telling me what to do?
sorry i found the problem and thanks for helping
Glad you sorted it out!
The team appreciates the kind words - thank you.
Will you guys be making a linux version for linux players?
Linux could happen in the future …
I like the game it just ends to quick and I want to become really powerful so I think a infinity mode should be added.
Thanks for the feedback - there will be lots to play when all the various modes are all together in one version ;)
Are you able to make a android?
An actual android in the game or an Android version of the game ?
Android version
Never say never - but as of right now - the versions found here are the only legitimate options.
Way to change the video settings?
its a very cool game! i reccomend for startup company you can disable the upgrade things in the middle of every fight, because it makes the challenge of beating my office with only starting items impossible. thanks!
Thanks for the suggestion.
no problem, your game is great!
Super laggy, is this normal? I pressed "I have a weak PC" and turned off motion blur, exited fullscreen, changed the resolution, but it's still laggy. Is there any way to fix this?
Can you tell us more about what system you're playing on?
Thanks :)
I am playing on a intel core i5, 8gb ram, with a AMD Radeon R7 200 series GPU. I used to play this game with no lag problems, i decided to download it back because i saw someone on yt play it and wanted to start it over and play it again. i downloaded the neurolink test version and picked "i have a weak pc" and turned off motion blur. the lag was terrible. idk if my pc is just that bad but when i used to play it was silky smooth. after that i thought the neurolink version was just too strong for my pc. so i booted up the original. the lag was still horrible despite me picking the i have a weak pc setting. and it didn't make much of a difference.
This is now my must play games and every day game!
Thank you for the support.
I also wonder how to create you're own community or company on a mac...
1st - make sure you're playing the Social Network version . Then check this video out - it should help you.
I'm exited if there's gonna be a new class to the facility!
will there be a multiplayer version of Neurolink?
Thanks for the upload - liked you video on YouTube.
Amazing game man!! Does this support controller vibration?
Is there a potential multiplayer option?
There is local multiplayer on The Social Network version
Do the wages mean the difficulties?
Correct :)
So does that mean 25 $ is hardest or the easiest?You know what i mean right?
can you make it playable on mobile pls! Preferably android or something?!
No mobile versions at this point but it could be something the teams looks at in the future.
at some point could you try to put the game on something like steam so people who dont have winzip can play it
Steam would be the goal for the final form of the game. Have you tried using the itch app ? https://itch.io/app
Idea For Next Update: you can make your own employee or bossfight (upper management). base starts of like a employee. you can toggle bossfight healthbar on/off. you can change the characters health. categories to make it: hats,services,perks. you can also make it's icon. after saving it, it will appear in finnical offices and appear in the character wave selection. if you think this is very good idea, maybe you could make it for the next update.
Thanks for the suggestions!
This game is so fun!Just like torcher and like them being like AHHHHHH!Its just so fun and funny!
Fun = good! Thanks for playing :)