I can't download It my pc just keeps saying error It's not letting me I looked up how to fix stick It to the stick man glitch but nothing came up only videos of people also playing the game It haunts me I am pretty much having a breakdown from It.
Dude... When the Task Dodger class literally dodged being selected by me I lost it, this game is hilarious. And really fun too! There's a surprising amount of variety to the runs, I thought it might get stale after a little while, but no, it's a great system.
how do i get the secret class, iv seen in some videos theres a secret class but i cant get it, i already finished the game with all the classes. Can someone help me
i just want to point out for your second point just to make it a little clearer for you, he has a stapler but he also has a taser in his move set which he uses when you get close to him
Yea this game is not for weak computers, I have a beast and still lags out when I abuse mob justice. It will get optimized i am sure. The second boss does have a taser too, which is the third upgrade to the stapler if I am not mistaken. And the attack button not working might be because of lag? your moves can also get interrupted if you are get owned
i wana report a bug where in the last boss the screen fly in the sky and you can no more see the battle cause it's not in the screen i think it happens in the phase where he summon hole lots of minions
Finished a run (A sick run with 370 combo btw) and clicked on my second screen. game froze and when I clicked back on it I was stuck on this screen, but I could hear my character punching and shooting while spamming spacebar. I am unable to select any of the options. The game didn't freeze as I can still see the rain moving and hear my character fighting.
I was able to recreate it by clicking off screen to my second screen. When I minimize the game and bring it back up it works fine, just when I click off screen.Also works fine in windowed mode, only happens in full screen. But yea left and up together or any combination doesn't seem to work, when this happens I am controlling the character again. Thanks anyway for the advice
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! you need to add the p and backspace buttons back, maybe you should make it so you have to beat the game and unlock all the characters/ money amount things but you can't not have it or at least make it so you can download the older version of the game!
the backspace give you a guy at the start of the game that have teleport and black hole and p button make you spown boxes of ammo health XP and skills and k button fill your XP bar
So with backspace you can restart the level instantly with out exiting the game, relaunching the game, re-choosing your character, reloading into the game and finally playing so you can practice (also if you want to redo the cups falling on you you can press backspace in the loading screen after choosing a character lol). and here comes the fun part, with p you can spawn infinite presents that would be on the level, sometimes you even get ammo boxes, also...It always has free xp boxes meaning... Infinite enemy's in one room... heheheheHEHEHEHEHE!!!
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I can't download It my pc just keeps saying error It's not letting me I looked up how to fix stick It to the stick man glitch but nothing came up only videos of people also playing the game It haunts me I am pretty much having a breakdown from It.
this game was made to make you suffer, also look up how to fix the glitch with your pc not with the game
Export for #linux please! ^-^
Dude... When the Task Dodger class literally dodged being selected by me I lost it, this game is hilarious. And really fun too! There's a surprising amount of variety to the runs, I thought it might get stale after a little while, but no, it's a great system.
The task dodger dodging being selected killed me. Love small details like these in games, really makes the game great!
Story is amazing MİNDFUCK :)
how do i get the secret class, iv seen in some videos theres a secret class but i cant get it, i already finished the game with all the classes. Can someone help me
This is such a brilliant game to just lay back too and kill some time 😀
The secret character doesn't work for me T-T
very good game story is very good story who dont like this type game is fired xD i need quit to menu pls
me to
Are there any cheat codes/tips and tricks that any of you know about? (I’m new here)
make it so the mob justice guys have ur attacks but mob justice
how do i play after downloading on mobile
Unfortunately you can’t play on mobile
Awesome stuff, love that ! feels pretty polished for a protype D:
1. This game isn't for weak pc's because you still have post proccesing,motion blur,etc i don't even think you know what a weak pc is.
2. The first boss dosen't even make sense he shoots a stapler and your shocked?
3. The attack button dosen't even work half of the time.
i just want to point out for your second point just to make it a little clearer for you, he has a stapler but he also has a taser in his move set which he uses when you get close to him
Yea this game is not for weak computers, I have a beast and still lags out when I abuse mob justice. It will get optimized i am sure. The second boss does have a taser too, which is the third upgrade to the stapler if I am not mistaken. And the attack button not working might be because of lag? your moves can also get interrupted if you are get owned
When you get hit does it take like 3 seconds for your character to regain the ability to even do anything?
how do i dwolode this
why wont it let me use it.
every time i download it, it says i dont own it even though the game is free.
just click on the option of "i just want the game" or something like that, its a little option who is in black
It's a fun game to play; setting up a good combo will make you very godly
This Would work very well for console. I love this game, been playing ever since and still finding now combo
i wana report a bug where in the last boss the screen fly in the sky and you can no more see the battle cause it's not in the screen i think it happens in the phase where he summon hole lots of minions
This game is great. I'm hoping more stuff gets added on, since it might get stale if you play it a bit too muc
I like it, I get to beat people up.
2ND gameplay on the channel, LOVE this game my g. Had to beat it atleast once!
Bug report
Finished a run (A sick run with 370 combo btw) and clicked on my second screen. game froze and when I clicked back on it I was stuck on this screen, but I could hear my character punching and shooting while spamming spacebar. I am unable to select any of the options. The game didn't freeze as I can still see the rain moving and hear my character fighting.
try hold the left and up arrow if that does not work do the right and up arrow and maybe try double clicking the screen before it
I was able to recreate it by clicking off screen to my second screen. When I minimize the game and bring it back up it works fine, just when I click off screen.Also works fine in windowed mode, only happens in full screen. But yea left and up together or any combination doesn't seem to work, when this happens I am controlling the character again. Thanks anyway for the advice
this game is freakin awesome
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! you need to add the p and backspace buttons back, maybe you should make it so you have to beat the game and unlock all the characters/ money amount things but you can't not have it or at least make it so you can download the older version of the game!
what p and backspace thing?
the backspace give you a guy at the start of the game that have teleport and black hole and p button make you spown boxes of ammo health XP and skills and k button fill your XP bar
So with backspace you can restart the level instantly with out exiting the game, relaunching the game, re-choosing your character, reloading into the game and finally playing so you can practice (also if you want to redo the cups falling on you you can press backspace in the loading screen after choosing a character lol). and here comes the fun part, with p you can spawn infinite presents that would be on the level, sometimes you even get ammo boxes, also...It always has free xp boxes meaning... Infinite enemy's in one room... heheheheHEHEHEHEHE!!!
Very Recomended
Any plans to make a Linux build? :)
they should make it on linux
Very epic
dont make friendly fire a thing
AMAZING GAME! reminds me a little of absolver. combat feels good and derpy a great combination!
So close to that raise. Still, the journey was fun & it's cool to try the different types of characters. :)
and you are a awsome creater
dude pls keep free for the people ho dont have money becase its awsome and games like this i usually cold not pay for and i loooove it :D
Awesome game, even though some stickmans glitch and get stuck in the walls and other stuff, it's still a great game
This is just amazing