I don't have an M1 Mac, I have a processor. Will it still play? Sorry clueless, seems extremely laggy. Can't right-click the app->Get info->see "open with Rosetta"
so, I was the conservative, doing an all guns run, when there was a bug with the "p" button, (creates boxes) and I eventually pressed the f1 key, then space to get out of the menu, but when I did an earthquake directly on top of an enemy, it did 114 DAMAGE!!! long story short, bugs combined with earthquakes are OP
I can't download it. Everytime it downloads it immediately deletes or says it failed to download. Don't know if it's the game or windows. I fixed all my settings to not delete files, but it's still not working :/
Hey! Could you make super minimal settings? For example, remove the glow and some effects, just after the last update of Windows 10, this game began to hang even at the "$ 5" stage. Before the update, this was not, but I want to play, but it's just unrealistic. I will be very happy if you somehow respond!
Something else to note is that you can get stuck like this very often. And yet another thing to note is that the strong legs guy is most definitely the most powerful guy in the game.
I found a bug where if I do hardcore parkour (jump on a corpse that I threw outside and land on the lower floor through the window), I have to use that floor's elevator or climb the ladder again
Most of the bosses are able to just damage you over and over again. There's no combo limit so you can just get beat up over and over again, until you die, since your controls are disabled when you get hit. They hit you again and again, aaand you die.
if you jump on their heads, they get stunned in a way so if you spam jump on them you can give them a taste of their own medicine and just combo them over and over again
I HAVE A SUGGESTION! if you have a gun that's out of ammo. instead of just skipping the move, it would be cool if you would smack an enemy with the gun, but I know that would be hard to code into the game.
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I'm gonna fucking cry
I'm gonna fucking laugh
when the enemies prepare for your arrival
This has nothing to do with this game, but why in the fuck are there so many visual novels on this site?
good game btw.
I was not disappointed
I don't have an M1 Mac, I have a processor. Will it still play? Sorry clueless, seems extremely laggy. Can't right-click the app->Get info->see "open with Rosetta"
Great game, I had a good time dealing punches. I leave my little gameplay.
Hola el juego esta muy bueno gracias por ponerlo gratis
Estaria bueno que hagan un modo vs multigugador en un futuro 😁
I love it!! Thanks for sharing it for free.
had to restart again because this
jackassgot stuck. Again.also, can you make the superhero for the Mac keyboard? on windows I think it is the delete key, but I do not have that
so, I was the conservative, doing an all guns run, when there was a bug with the "p" button, (creates boxes) and I eventually pressed the f1 key, then space to get out of the menu, but when I did an earthquake directly on top of an enemy, it did 114 DAMAGE!!! long story short, bugs combined with earthquakes are OP
Thanks for the feedback, these bugs are probably fixed if you download the latest version
when i download the windows version it says that the file is empty when i open it
We think this is something to do with anti-virus settings. For some reason you're banned from downloading it from itch.io
I got it working thank you call of the void
I love this game. Can't wait to see more! If the game gets some randomization in the climb, and some more attacks, def worth at least $25-$30.
I can't download it. Everytime it downloads it immediately deletes or says it failed to download. Don't know if it's the game or windows. I fixed all my settings to not delete files, but it's still not working :/
you should config your anti virus if you have!
Hey! Could you make super minimal settings? For example, remove the glow and some effects, just after the last update of Windows 10, this game began to hang even at the "$ 5" stage. Before the update, this was not, but I want to play, but it's just unrealistic. I will be very happy if you somehow respond!
My laptop's accessories, just in case:
CPU: AMD A4-9125
Video card: Radeon R3
RAM: 8Gb
looks cool will try out later
seria genial tener un soporte para mod para darle una vida mas larga al juego
It would be great to have a mod support to give the game a longer life
I heard there was a secret, but when i do it it doesn't work
Same :/ Gotten pretty far so idk what it is that I'm not doing
Something else to note is that you can get stuck like this very often. And yet another thing to note is that the strong legs guy is most definitely the most powerful guy in the game.
It appears you don't come up the elev.
I found a bug where if I do hardcore parkour (jump on a corpse that I threw outside and land on the lower floor through the window), I have to use that floor's elevator or climb the ladder again
in my opinion [REDACTED] is the best
I Love This Game Really Good Bro Nice
This Game makes so much fun! Is there a Steam release planned?
Maybe! We're trying to develop an update for this first, just to try out some new ideas. We'll only be done with that update in a couple months.
please remove staple boss
what's the song at the end called
That's "Stick It To The Man" by Deon van Heerden... If we make a full release of this game Deon will (hopefully) record a few more songs for us!
Been LOVING this game <3 Ty devs. Great content from it, too
Most of the bosses are able to just damage you over and over again. There's no combo limit so you can just get beat up over and over again, until you die, since your controls are disabled when you get hit. They hit you again and again, aaand you die.
if you jump on their heads, they get stunned in a way so if you spam jump on them you can give them a taste of their own medicine and just combo them over and over again
there a web version of this?
pls opitimize the game ;-
Can I change the control key?
Is there any cheating in version 0.77?I HAVE A SUGGESTION! if you have a gun that's out of ammo. instead of just skipping the move, it would be cool if you would smack an enemy with the gun, but I know that would be hard to code into the game.
Everytime I download it it gets deleted when I open it
Sorry for that. It most likely is an anti virus issue. What antivirus are you using?
pls do multiplayer version
then it will be necessary to optimize even more, and it is difficult to code.
I enjoyed every minute. I would pay for this with no hesitation.
I try to download the game five time and it doesn’t work can someone tell me why
Sorry. What operating system is this? This isn't a problem with the game so much as you seem to be banned from downloading Zip files.
I suspect this is something to do with your anti-virus software or a very cautious version of Windows?
Sorry for that. It most likely is an anti virus issue. What antivirus are you using?
i'm also having this issue although i'm on a decently old pc with windows home as for antivirus i'm using AVG
Thanks for the information. On your windows defender antivirus add an exclusion for the download folder:
You may this way exclude the download folder, or exclude an executable.
I’m not sure if this would work, but if it does or doesn’t I would love to know to maybe understand what is happening
I cant play