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THIS GAME IS REALLY FUNNY AND EXACTLY SO I FEEL A BLACK FIRDAY! :P This Game is very Great...Greetings from Germany :D

update plaese we need new thing for this game


there is 2 step 3s



Really fun and addicting! Maybe working in retail  so long made this more enjoyable to see things get torn to the ground lol great game  cant wait for the update! 

good game

plz make available for Chrome OS

it would be nice if you could tern down the graphics but other that that this if one of the funnyist games i have playd

plz make this available for chomebook/chrome os

wow this game is awesome! I streamed it on my Twitch channel, jtn191. only suggestions I might make are to make brick walls a little easier to break, clearer indication on upgrade screen that you should buy those perks.  Getting stuck on displays is also kind of frustrating. I previously had a few ideas for a black friday game. Let me know if you'd like help--I specialize in audio stuff


Please make a sandbox mode or settings to turn off motion blur , please.

I love this game so much! It's fun, and has a simple idea.

Awesome game, I can't wait for future updates!

Really goofy yet a little difficult game, liked it though!


Such a compelling story. I even managed to shed a tear at the ending. Great story, Characters and Game!

(1 edit)

awesome game, can't wait for it to escalate even further

This game was super super fun, I enjoyed it so much 😂 looking forward to the next update 🤣

I also keep getting this error saying "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)" . Do you have any idea why it won't work?

SPOILERS: When will this game be continued? Will it be wackyer? Is wackyer a word?


Wackyer isnt a word no, but im sure you meant wackier which is.

Thank for correcting my horrible spelling. 



Did you manage to run it in the end? (it should work on a Windows machine once the .zip file has been unzipped)

Luc is busy finishing off his work on Gorn, and I'm finishing work on an unannounced cricket-themed game (which is also pretty wacky). So it might be a month or so before we have time to continue the story.

I don't know if the game will be wackier... Probably darker, possibly more violent, but also probably some more dancing.

I put the MonoBleedingEdge, UnityCrashHandler64, Eat The Rich game, WinPixEventRuntime.dll, and Eat The Rich_Data all on my desktop and it will still not open. (And yes I unziped the zip.)

I can't figure out what could cause that particular error :(  It sounds like something is completely broken, like maybe the download was corrupt?

Does it give that same error if you rename the "Eat The Rich_Data" folder? (if the data folder isn't there it tells you it cannot find it, if the executable is working at all).

I will try redownloading the game.

Any luck?

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basically we need to run in grab what we can... and run out! What will our Black Friday haul include? 🤔🤫 

Hands down the most fun i've had in awhile! Great laugh and fun to play! 😂 Can't wait to see more!

This game was alot of fun i would recommend it if you wont to have a laugh/mess around. If you would like to see my playthrough here it is:

enjoy 😉👍

I just had a look at this game and it is a lot of fun, all the savings xD

I recommend you to try it out.

Here is some gameplay from my channel:

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I have this error and it won't let me play:

Application folder:
C:/Users/aniel/Downloads/Eat_The_Rich_Windows_2019_April_26_2/Eat The Rich/Eat The Rich
There should be 'Eat The Rich_Data'
folder next to the executable

this keeps happening every download I have

It sounds like the game hasn't been extracted properly. The error is complaining that the data folder isn't next to the .exe file.

Was the download complete when you extracted the zip file? Did you extract the entire .zip file to a folder? (not just the .exe file)

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oh well I didn't do that so I use WinRAR it did work

I really loved this game.  This is a really cute and funny game.  I love how your little guys will throw themselves at the walls to get to those amazingly low prices.  This is probably the most civil Black Friday I have ever seen through. lol. 

Any chance we could get something like a solid gold golf cart that's so far off the side of the map that there's no way to get it back in time to buy it, even with all of the time upgrades?

You'd still want to give it a value for when somebody figures out how to glitch it to the register, but it'd be a heck of an Easter Egg.

This game lol 

all i want is to play this game but i dont know how :(

(1 edit)

I really liked the game, cant wait for whats going to happend!

I loved this game. When a game is this silly and funny then I can't help but feel like it was made for me.

a pretty fun game. Good job!

Gotta say this game was really fun to play and can't wait for further development. Those little weirdos reminded me a lot of Gang Beasts, probly the funniest thing was looking the lick the air or just throwing themselves all over the place :D 

Great job!

I really loved the satire that is presented in the game. I can’t for wait(if there is a part two!) to play the next one! Just there more work that will be done with this game or ? Working on the next one? 

Hey! Thanks for the kind words!

Yeah, we really want to finish it off and get to the bit in the title. We'd like to escalate the game to open looting and maybe some billionaire-fondue, but we both have other projects to finish off now before we can work more on it.

The response has been very positive, so I think finishing the game (even if it's just another 10 minutes of gameplay) is going to be well worth it.

I fully agree! Is there other games you guys made I could try out? 

I worked on Broforce and Genital Jousting. Luc works on GORN VR.

There's one or two other dumb physics things that we'll be putting up on in the next couple months. But that's a bit in the future.


Nice! That’s awesome! Well I can’t wait then! Just ping me or email me when they are avaible and I’ll be down to play! 

Wich game engine did you use to develop it? 

It looks so nice! :D


It's built in Unity. Luc did a great job with the art style.

I presume you like the look of the characters? The shaders are pretty much all plain colours using Unity's standard shader, we've just added a lot of emissive colour (to make them glow from inside) and also put a lot of lights in the scene and kept the shadows very soft. Luc also baked in some shadows into the character and on top of that there's some soft ambient occlusion on the camera (using Unity's built in ambient occlusion)

And how´s animated the characters movement? Just physics?


The characters are all animated with physics, but I've got some traditional animations that the joints are trying to follow. A bit like how the Unity addon "Puppet Master" works.

i.e. There are normal animations being played and the joints are adding forces to try match the rotations of the normally animated character.

This silly little game was a ton of fun! I really enjoyed the whole idea and the funky mechanics!

Words cannot describe how much fun this game is 

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