mirror world characters are the opposite of currently existing characters (example task dodger would become relentless worker and would try to get you to pick him instead of trying to avoid you)
ay bro the game is good, but then when i play this on my m1(using rosetta), i cant see the the health bars and also letters on buttons( when you press esc while fighting)
Thank you for replying, and for the great game. I just wasn't sure if it was abandoned lol. Seriously tho, you could easily make this a paid game on steam with how good it is.
I am in big agreement with this... But when they upload this game to steam... will there be a way to upload your progress from the version you download here to the one on steam?
so my PC I'd like to say is pretty strong, I can run games like Valorant at a cool 60 FPS, for some reason this game is harder to run? i get significantly fewer FPS even on the weak PC option, why is that and will you ever add performance improvements?
I think my issue is with the blur, will you add a feature in the future to turn it off
But you really have to add performance improvements and more adjustable graphics settings, this game seems like in theory it should run on all devices, thats not the case right now but i hope you will fix it
The year is 2007. My buddy and I are eagerly waiting for the release of Smash Bros Brawl. The game is all we can think and talk about. After years of playing Smash Bros N64, this will undoubtedly be most fun we'll ever experience with a video game. Our expectations are high, too high perhaps. Cue to a few months later and Brawl finally drops. We fire up the Wii and after playing for about 2 hours, we're left pleased, but unsatisfied for reasons we struggle to explain.
The next day, we meetup for another session of Brawl, but we first fire up the PS3 to check a few things. That is when we stumble upon a game called Rag Doll Kung Fu, a physics-based fighting game. I convince my friend to get it and we start playing. My eyes suddenly open wide. For the first time ever, I can actually feel the weight of my movements on screen. The momentum, the velocity, the mass of the characters and props are things that I can now feel to some extent. I fall in love with the genre and never play Brawl again. Coincidentally, it's also the last time I ever touch a physics-based fighting game, Rag Doll Kung Fu included.
15 years later, after playing nothing but casual FPS games, I decide to make an Itch.io account to see what this website has to offer. After browsing for a little while, I stumble upon Stick It To The Stick Man. I don't know what to expect, nor what to make of it, but for some reason, I feel compelled to give it a try. I launch it and then as soon as I'm dropped in the level, I'm ashamed to admit that my first thought in something along the lines of "so you just spam the SPACE key? wow. that's kinda lame and redundant".
But then..., it happens. A few punches and kicks later, I feel it. I feel my movements and my momentum. I feel like Neo in the burly brawl scene of Reloaded. It's all coming back to me. And for a lack of better words, I'm having a f*cking blast.
Welp, 23 hours of playtime later and I can confidently say that this is one of the most fun games I've ever played. It's the only game I own that I can fire up and play for 30 minutes to "scratch that itch", and it scratches said itch extremely efficiently.
So yeah. Long and drawn-out story aside, I wanted to express to the devs my gratitude for the existence of this game. It's provided me with a daily boost of serotonin for a little while now and I don't take that for granted. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't eager to see and play the next update, but as someone who has a foot in the game industry, I'm no stranger to the monstruous task that is developing and updating a quality game, regardless of the genre or scope. So with that in mind, I'm relieved to see that you guys are prioritizing quality over quantity, as opposed to simply falling for the community's pressure to put out more updates.
I thank you very kindly your hard work and I'm very much looking forward to see your next games and updates!
Wow - that comment went straight to the feels. I'm literally copying and pasting it in the Dev group chat. Thank you for the kind and well written words.
Hey. Very pleased to hear that it touched you. I promised myself I wouldn't get all sappy and overly lengthy with it, but as soon as I started typing, I felt the urge to drop the whole backstory part to truly convey how much I love the game. Happy to know you shared it with the team. Hopefully it cheered you all a little :-)
I found another bug when im play multiplayer if one of us dies and the other gets a powerup the screen freezes also if we decide not to get the powerup and go straight to next floor we arent able to use the lift I press enter multiple times but it doesn't work..
someone HELP when I download and play the game, I get a powerup and I cant see what the name of the power is and when I pause this happens. also when fighting my health bar or boss health bar seems to remain the same even if I or him take damage.
I downloaded it for mac but all it says is made with unity then the screen freezes and nothing happens I left it alone for 10 minutes but nothing happened can someone help me if you know a way to fix it?
Red tie: 50% chance for you to not get noticed by red stickmen (will notice once you hit them)(also gives a half-blue n red diagonal pattern cuz why not XD)
I was looking at some old comments and found this really cool one by Luciferier (I made a few grammar fixes):
I feel like a cool secret class like "Saitama" could be "Stand User" with like a "yare yare daze" description and a Jotaro tipping his hat avatar.
And maybe the way you unlock the class is by defeating the boss, choosing a "go to jail" option or something and then stabbing yourself with a Stand Arrow (not really how Jotaro got his stand but whatever).
Of course the class would have specific abilities (for example Pose -> Stand Punch -> Stand Barrage, and Block -> Stand Block -> Stop Time).
And just like how when you pick "Saitama" your head looks different, if you pick "Stand User" you will have a Jotaro hat on your head.
(also this is my own idea but maybe adding multiple upgrade paths such as you might be able to upgrade stand block to stand barrier similar to that of Kakyoin's hierophant green's emerald barrier instead of stop time)
Also your final boss is cheap as fuck, curb your stun mechanics please. It's not fun when you punch a boss once and RNG decides whether or not you unavoidably lose 8 fucking health. At least let us counter his moves.
I beat the boss on hard with every character at least twice (including saitama and banana man), also in my opinion head of espionage is the hardest boss (or as I like to call him, ninya: the combo ender).
You might have hurt Jeff's feelings - lol. I can safely say that depending on the character and the set of moves/abilities - it definitely determines your experience of the final boss. You should have seen some of the other guys that we had to make easier in earlier versions! Thank you for your feedback.
beating Jeff is easiest if I have either a lot of mob justices or a lot of moves that will help me knock him over or stun him without me shooting myself
That being said - I do need to add that the devs love how passionate the community is and creative/fun/interesting ideas are always welcome - so keep them coming :)
On Windows:
1) Download the file (click the "download now" on this page)
2) Right click on the downloaded zip and "Extract All" to a folder.
3) Enter the new folder and run "Stick It To The (Stick) Man.exe"
Running the game on a M1 Mac:
Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'.
If the game deletes after download or there is a download error:
1) Download the itch.io application
2) Search for Stick It To The Stick Man on the itch.io application
3) Download the game from the itch.io application
← Return to game
Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.
I never thought that pushing space for 30 minutes could be so much fun. 10/10
Looks like you had fun! Thanks for the upload - gave your video a like
Thank you :)
i loved this game but it should let me disable motion blu
It does - you can turn off motion blur in the settings :)
I just wanted to make sure you got my idea about multiple upgrade paths
If it was posted here - we got it - Thanks ;)
Hmmmm - what do you think? Thanks for the screenshot :)
I think he is trying to play vr games without a vr headset lol
YeAh It'S cOnSePt TiMe BaBy:
It got in! Good job! (I would only be saying that in a Smash reveal. Ha Ha.)
is an xbox one controller supported?
Yes, I've played with one
bro please add 4 player local coop
Can you imagine the mayhem!?! Thanks for the suggestion.
Will there be an update in the near future?
Updates are being worked on as we speak!
Legitimately great game, I did lose my progress after the latest update, however. No matter really, I have enjoyed restarting, its just that fun.
Super good to hear that it was still fun on round 2. Thanks for the positive feedback
why are you saying that and to who?
I was saying the boss voice line
ok :p
concept time BABYYYYYY:
mirror world characters:
mirror world characters are the opposite of currently existing characters (example task dodger would become relentless worker and would try to get you to pick him instead of trying to avoid you)
ME WANT NEW UPDATE NAOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love that you're passionate about the game - updates are coming - hang in there :)
i'm on macOS monterey (the current version) and the game doesn't open properly, like I'd open it and it's just a grey screen
This should work for you :
Running the game on a M1 Mac: Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'.
thank you so much it worked
ay bro the game is good, but then when i play this on my m1(using rosetta), i cant see the the health bars and also letters on buttons( when you press esc while fighting)
somebody helllllllllllllllllp me
Apologies! That's a known bug with the current Mac build.
it dont work on my potato pc
Thanks for letting us know. Good luck with your carbohydrate issue.
目前只有 Windows 和 Mac。
could you guys try doing a crossover with some other game sometime (like maybe battle cats for example)?
Even tho cats are awesome - I'm not sure how Battle Cats would fit into the workplace environment ...
maybe axe cats could replace axe gang?
another crossover idea is enter/exit the gungeon
Is there gonna be another update?
Updates are coming. The team is hard at work on cool new things.
Thank you for replying, and for the great game. I just wasn't sure if it was abandoned lol. Seriously tho, you could easily make this a paid game on steam with how good it is.
I am in big agreement with this... But when they upload this game to steam... will there be a way to upload your progress from the version you download here to the one on steam?
Been Speed-Running this game for a while now, and its massive fun with the RNG etc.
Would it be possible to add a "SpeedRun" mode, or a SpeedRun timer? It would help massively when having only one display.
A++ game!
Would love to see a Youtube upload of this - thanks for the positive feedback - I'll pass on your suggestions to the team.
yo man, check the in-game settings. There's a timer that works in-game time. So that means If time is slowed, the timer is slowed too
Performance issues
so my PC I'd like to say is pretty strong, I can run games like Valorant at a cool 60 FPS, for some reason this game is harder to run? i get significantly fewer FPS even on the weak PC option, why is that and will you ever add performance improvements?
I think my issue is with the blur, will you add a feature in the future to turn it off
regards Demon, and good luck with your game
you can turn motion blur off in the settings :)
Cheers mate!
But you really have to add performance improvements and more adjustable graphics settings, this game seems like in theory it should run on all devices, thats not the case right now but i hope you will fix it
Keep in mind it's still a work in progress and I'm sure the more complete version of the game will be optimised for more systems.
The year is 2007. My buddy and I are eagerly waiting for the release of Smash Bros Brawl. The game is all we can think and talk about. After years of playing Smash Bros N64, this will undoubtedly be most fun we'll ever experience with a video game. Our expectations are high, too high perhaps. Cue to a few months later and Brawl finally drops. We fire up the Wii and after playing for about 2 hours, we're left pleased, but unsatisfied for reasons we struggle to explain.
The next day, we meetup for another session of Brawl, but we first fire up the PS3 to check a few things. That is when we stumble upon a game called Rag Doll Kung Fu, a physics-based fighting game. I convince my friend to get it and we start playing. My eyes suddenly open wide. For the first time ever, I can actually feel the weight of my movements on screen. The momentum, the velocity, the mass of the characters and props are things that I can now feel to some extent. I fall in love with the genre and never play Brawl again. Coincidentally, it's also the last time I ever touch a physics-based fighting game, Rag Doll Kung Fu included.
15 years later, after playing nothing but casual FPS games, I decide to make an Itch.io account to see what this website has to offer. After browsing for a little while, I stumble upon Stick It To The Stick Man. I don't know what to expect, nor what to make of it, but for some reason, I feel compelled to give it a try. I launch it and then as soon as I'm dropped in the level, I'm ashamed to admit that my first thought in something along the lines of "so you just spam the SPACE key? wow. that's kinda lame and redundant".
But then..., it happens. A few punches and kicks later, I feel it. I feel my movements and my momentum. I feel like Neo in the burly brawl scene of Reloaded. It's all coming back to me. And for a lack of better words, I'm having a f*cking blast.
Welp, 23 hours of playtime later and I can confidently say that this is one of the most fun games I've ever played. It's the only game I own that I can fire up and play for 30 minutes to "scratch that itch", and it scratches said itch extremely efficiently.
So yeah. Long and drawn-out story aside, I wanted to express to the devs my gratitude for the existence of this game. It's provided me with a daily boost of serotonin for a little while now and I don't take that for granted. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't eager to see and play the next update, but as someone who has a foot in the game industry, I'm no stranger to the monstruous task that is developing and updating a quality game, regardless of the genre or scope. So with that in mind, I'm relieved to see that you guys are prioritizing quality over quantity, as opposed to simply falling for the community's pressure to put out more updates.
I thank you very kindly your hard work and I'm very much looking forward to see your next games and updates!
Wow - that comment went straight to the feels. I'm literally copying and pasting it in the Dev group chat. Thank you for the kind and well written words.
Hey. Very pleased to hear that it touched you. I promised myself I wouldn't get all sappy and overly lengthy with it, but as soon as I started typing, I felt the urge to drop the whole backstory part to truly convey how much I love the game. Happy to know you shared it with the team. Hopefully it cheered you all a little :-)
Also are you on Discord at all ?
Yes I am! I'm on the Free Lives server. My handle is JUSTINLEDUC#3294. Thanks!
Drop me a DM over there : hyphen#0306
It's coming - hang in there!
i love it ! very nice game so much work put into everything
10/10 from me played this game for so long :D
Cute post of the month award goes to Nekroxzx - Thank you for the positive feedback
Thanks for the upload - good luck with your channel
Dude is black: he is R A D
I found another bug when im play multiplayer if one of us dies and the other gets a powerup the screen freezes also if we decide not to get the powerup and go straight to next floor we arent able to use the lift I press enter multiple times but it doesn't work..
That one has been reported previously - thanks :)
someone HELP when I download and play the game, I get a powerup and I cant see what the name of the power is and when I pause this happens. also when fighting my health bar or boss health bar seems to remain the same even if I or him take damage.
Are you on Mac or Windows?
On mac
No fix for that at the moment - it's a known bug unfortunately. Thanks for the screenshot tho.
oh ok np tho
when wil it be fixed th
Hopefully with the next update
i cant see my cursor
how to fix
Mate, most of the game your cursor is MEANT to be hidden.
He's right
my guy its supposed to be gone, your are only supposed to see it in the pause screen and so on
I downloaded it for mac but all it says is made with unity then the screen freezes and nothing happens I left it alone for 10 minutes but nothing happened can someone help me if you know a way to fix it?
Try this : Running the game on a M1 Mac:
Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'. Let me know if it works.
Red tie: 50% chance for you to not get noticed by red stickmen (will notice once you hit them)(also gives a half-blue n red diagonal pattern cuz why not XD)
I actually discovered this game from baronvongames's video when looking for stick fight: the game
We've got nothing but love for BaronVongames
funny, it's was the same reason for me. See the game on baron youtube channel and wonder if it's was that good XD
I found the game during it's first update. WAY long ago.
Yeah same. The I just forgot about it when my mom deleted it. *Goes to the Recycle Bin* *Sees it*
Me: "Aight wassup"
He be making the saitama and goku challenge am I right?
I was looking at some old comments and found this really cool one by Luciferier (I made a few grammar fixes):
I feel like a cool secret class like "Saitama" could be "Stand User" with like a "yare yare daze" description and a Jotaro tipping his hat avatar.
And maybe the way you unlock the class is by defeating the boss, choosing a "go to jail" option or something and then stabbing yourself with a Stand Arrow (not really how Jotaro got his stand but whatever).
Of course the class would have specific abilities (for example Pose -> Stand Punch -> Stand Barrage, and Block -> Stand Block -> Stop Time).
And just like how when you pick "Saitama" your head looks different, if you pick "Stand User" you will have a Jotaro hat on your head.
(also this is my own idea but maybe adding multiple upgrade paths such as you might be able to upgrade stand block to stand barrier similar to that of Kakyoin's hierophant green's emerald barrier instead of stop time)
That sounds really cool, thanks for checking out my idea
the guy was 2 months ago. decently old
Also your final boss is cheap as fuck, curb your stun mechanics please. It's not fun when you punch a boss once and RNG decides whether or not you unavoidably lose 8 fucking health. At least let us counter his moves.
I beat the boss over 10 times on the hardest difficulty, you're just trash at the game.
There's no difficulty I think ?? :/
Do you mean the job or smthin?
the higher the wage selected, the more difficult the game is
Ohhhh that's why
I beat the boss on hard with every character at least twice (including saitama and banana man), also in my opinion head of espionage is the hardest boss (or as I like to call him, ninya: the combo ender).
You might have hurt Jeff's feelings - lol. I can safely say that depending on the character and the set of moves/abilities - it definitely determines your experience of the final boss. You should have seen some of the other guys that we had to make easier in earlier versions! Thank you for your feedback.
beating Jeff is easiest if I have either a lot of mob justices or a lot of moves that will help me knock him over or stun him without me shooting myself
"Jeff Bezos do be lyin once we help him and yeet him outta the floor"
- Protagonist
Fun Fact: It's a little funny since most of my runs finish with Jeff Bezos dying of fall dmg XD
Edit: fall dmg from HELIKOPTER
An enemy got stuck on a 2-story window and I got softlocked. Pls fix
Did you try just running out the window the enemy got stuck on because that helped me when this happened to me.
Thanks for letting us know.
I'm constantly playing the game and playing with a friend and I'm really looking forward to the update, I hope it's soon right?
No official dates yet - but the wheels are in motion. Awesome to see people making use of the multiplayer!
I'll be waiting :)
just out of curiosity, can you please tell us about what % of ideas suggested here will be in the next update in some way?
I'd love to give you a definitive answer - but I'm afraid that it's almost impossible due to the amount of feedback and suggestions that we receive.
That being said - I do need to add that the devs love how passionate the community is and creative/fun/interesting ideas are always welcome - so keep them coming :)
yay thx :)
I love this game. It's so much fun! :)
We love that you love it! Thanks for playing!
Pretty fun game. Long time i replay a game again and again even after finishing it. Keep the good work.
So nice to hear that the game has replayability - thank you for the feedback :)
how do I even open the game?
On Windows: 1) Download the file (click the "download now" on this page) 2) Right click on the downloaded zip and "Extract All" to a folder. 3) Enter the new folder and run "Stick It To The (Stick) Man.exe"
Running the game on a M1 Mac: Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'.
If the game deletes after download or there is a download error:
1) Download the itch.io application 2) Search for Stick It To The Stick Man on the itch.io application 3) Download the game from the itch.io application