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when is the new update?

No official date yet but the wheels are in motion

ok ty :)

How to play start up mode pls tell me

This person made a YouTube video that could help you : 

It doesn't say, anyways I beat the game and now I can play it.


in start up mode you just build your own company


This game deserves more people to play it. This is absolutely fascinating and it should be on steam! 

-P.S. Could we have more updates please?

Thank you! Steam is definitely a goal for the finished/full game and yes there are still updates coming :) 

Ana dilimde konuşup biraz anlaşılmaz olduğum için kusuruma bakmayın lütfen

Bu oyun gerçekten düşününce mobil ile çok uyumlu duruyor yani ileride mobil versiyonu gibi birşey gelecek mi


Sorun değil - Google Çeviri'de biraz yanlışlık olursa lütfen kusura bakmayın. Ekip, Windows ve Mac sürümlerini olabilecek en iyi hale getirmeye odaklanmak istediği için şu anda mobil için herhangi bir plan yok.

umarım ileride mobil için planlar olur

Cevabınız için teşekkürler

So. anything new? it's almost a year since the last update.

Did you grab :

THE SOCIAL NETWORK V0.80A UPDATE! because Aug 24, 2021 isn't 12 months ago... But to answer your question with more recent news - yes - updates are on the way.

And if you're keen on some recent inside looks - there's some stuff up on the Discord

is it possible to play multiplayer with radmin?

As far as I know - Radmin is a vpn. The only multiplayer mode right now is local/couch. So you're not really connecting to anything...... Let me know if I'm mistaken :) 

also for some reason sometimes a jock will spawn on the first floor

(1 edit)

I have an idea, hope this would not be too much work, separating the different characters into different categories (such as tank or ranger) also making it so you can use the moves of a secret character even if you are not playing as them as long as the secret character has been played/unlocked already

Is it possible to make the game mobile?

As of right now the focus is on making the Windows and Mac versions everything that they can be. 


This game is AWESOME. I'm trying to 100% it but I can't beat it with the Slob. I got to the very end and died to some footsoldier stick dude ): But developers, this game is phenomenal considering it's a name-your-own-price, and also just in general


We love new fans of the game! Keep trying and you'll get it done with the Slob ;)

(1 edit)

can you please bring support to linux I have played on windows and really enjoyed it but recently switched to linux and miss this game

I've been told Linux might be an option further down the line - but Windows and Mac are the main focus right now.

pls bring a 32 bit version

From what I've been told - the game would have to be waaaaay too simplified in order to run well on 32bit and they can't really go backwards from here.

I WANT NEW UPDATE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We love that you're passionate about the game!!! Updates will come & the team is working non stop to get the best new content out to the players. Hang in there! 

please bring your game on 32 bit processor

I'm not sure if 32bit could handle the awesomeness

can you use mods?

Someone on the Discord made a mod. I'm not sure if it's still working on the current versions ( also please remember that these are used completely at your own risk and in no way are supported by Free Lives )

I was kinda asking myself why they not updating and came to the conclusion that you guys were running outta ideas :/

Wish I could Help


To be honest there are plenty of things to do. As cliche as it may sound new classes wouldn't hurt. New enemies, maybe a whole side-scrolling campaign or something

my conclusion was that updating the game would be hard without adding in some annoying glitches on accident


Thanks for the concern but ideas aren't the issue. What's the saying - Rome wasn't built in a day? It's a small team trying to make stuff as functional and fun as possible. Sometimes things take time. I've personally played some elements that they're working on and trust me - it's gonna be worth the wait. 

wow! Thanks for fueling my impatience

Ah, not about the issues eh? it's about work you're saying, aye?


this game is freaking awesome i had a very good time beating it

definitely love it

(sorry for bad english)

(1 edit)

Your english is fine, no need to apologise! Thanks for playing the game, we're glad that you had fun.


this could be good for mobile but i understand that it is still in prototype


Yup - the team is hard at work on making the Windows/Mac versions everything that they can be! 

can you update please?


The update will happen! I've seen things. Hang in there - it's going to be worth the wait :) 

Handyman be like:

(scene at 1:10)

Hammer & Fail Part 1

(1 edit) (-1)

Edit: there was an extra is before the it

The only problem I have with this game it is very short

I have an idea for an endless mode

Have you tried the local multiplayer / build your own company yet? 

(1 edit)

I've tried building my own but it took me at least an hour just to build 11 floors

bro when i try to open it the screen is just gray what do i do


Sounds like you're on a Mac - try this : Running the game on a M1 Mac:
Download -> Right click the app -> Get info -> Tick the box 'Open with Rosetta'.

how the hell do i use it once i downloaded it

What operating system are you on? Also if you're having trouble - lots of people have more success using the app :

you need to fix the glitch where someone installs the game and when the player walks up to the financial offices or the start-up and the building that says coming soon and the bitcoin logo it doesn't light up (i hope you know what i'm talking about)

The game is fine but the player 2 controls seem to not work. Only movement. Please help i dunno what to do. I really want to play with my brother


two player worked fine for me

if you are using the most recent update you probably did not look at where/ how they work after you press the x button. if it's on the PC then ill just tell you. (I kinda forgot lol I'll try my best)

Player 1: Attack Button: SpaceBar

               Use Button: E

Player 2: Use Button: Enter

                Attack Button (I think): I

I really want this game mobile version.

Afraid it's only on Windows and Mac right now. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

if you were to relate yourself to one worker type in this game, what would it be? (for me I would say extrovert)

You'd have better luck with these type of conversations over on our Discord....


The only problem for me is the restrictions on my laptop making getting to your discord harder

ima try to do the one kick man challenge

besides low graphics still running a little choppy on my toaster specially on the last level this is a very good game and i shall watch its development with great interest

We love toast. Thank you for playing. 

I was wondering what the gym ACTUALLY does, if it does anything.

I'm not here to post spoilers - but maybe ask someone on the Discord. It definitely does something. “I’ll leave tomorrow’s problems to tomorrow’s me.”

Deleted 250 days ago

i'll be nice and give you a hint: remember the saitama workout

Deleted 2 years ago

Ya mean Gym Member?

( Sorry if I spoiled it :/ )

It just Maxes your hp to 5 more points (I think)

Obviously I know what gym member is, I mean the actual gym map you can access when you beat the game a few times.

did you read my hint, or are you like me who only knew about the one punch anime due to references :P

Dude, I don't watch anime.


well the names of some upgrades tell you the exercises



when SpongeBob drinks too much water


how did you bring up the timer

Pause the game, go to settings and enable timer

ok thanks


Lol When You use too much Get ripped Moves:

(3 edits) (-1)

(edit was to add more perk Ideas)

Perk ideas:

Pocket collection: chance to throw more projectiles

leader: stronger minions

Spray and pray: more projectiles but less accuracy

nitroglycerin: better explosions

Hyper: move faster

kid in a candy shop: more options

Interrupter: can't be put to sleep

Emotional damage: upgrades from emotional vampire

Adrenalin rush: time is slowed for longer

boring: people dislike your voice even more (boosts pontificate and self promotion)

inspirational: more minions

fiery spirit: 10% chance of reviving at 4-7 HP after you die

feisty: he not very friendly (doge roll path does damage, all attacks have a decent chance to do extra damage, and/or raises hard cap for damage boost from combos)

Mediocre training: upgrades from basic training and upgrades to hero's workout

Nokia vest: greatly reduced damage

Ourple: why he ourple though? (makes you purple)

Beeg brain: know-it-all (upgrades from big head)


I have an idea!

ILYCG ( I like ya cut G ): 50% chance to make a person you hit fly. ( Upgrades all punch, kick, and slap attacks, including a 100% chance to mini slap someone using mental moves. Ranged attacks using the body like thunderclap can dmg faraway people. Also creates problems on the final stage (because jeff bezos just comes back through the helicopter) )

so the short version is chance for extra knockback and increased shockwave damage... Nice

add food as weapons 

What kind of food? 

(1 edit)

I think he means like throwing watermelons, apples, or rice crisps coated in nitroglycerin as well as BBQ chips

all fair suggestions.

will you ever publish this to steam?

That is the final goal - yes (once it's ready) 


I will send some more ideas... tomorrow

Deleted 3 years ago

Another good place to share your thoughts is over on our Discord in the SITTSM suggestions channel 

the problem is my laptop has some... restrictions that prevent me from opening some tabs

(1 edit) (-1)

I have Super enjoyed this game and I hope goals for this game are accomplished, also, I have some ideas:


Counter: gain short immunity to damage and reflect melee damage back

Scratch: has a small chance of doing bleeding damage to enemy

Tea: heals 2 HP and reduces damage for a while

Criticize: like shout but makes enemies cry and beat themselves up over your harsh comments

grappling hook: pulls you closer to your enemies

pocket attack: throw random stuff out of your pocket

Bedazzle: blind enemies by throwing glitter in their eyes

Bite: latch onto enemies

Fetch: throws a chew toy before loyal K-9s start to fight for you

Excess luggage: an upgrade to suspicious stockpile, restores two ammo to four moves and throws a suitcase that damages enemies

(P.S these are only some of my many ideas, some of those I will share later)

(2 edits) (-3)

Something similar to counter exists in the game: If you maximize coffee, you become immune to damage for 3 seconds. Having the strong maxed up to also gives you immunity.

Tea is already a thing. If you have coffee (maximized or not) it heals you 1 - 3 health.

Pocket attack is similar to throwing cups

Restoring ammo is already a feature, you have a chance of getting an ammo drop.

Criticize is bragging maxed out. The enemies shoot themselves if you use the brag.

Not to be rude or anything, but your ideas are revamped versions of already existing ones.


Thanks for you suggestions - the team is glad that you're enjoying the game


look, why are you here if you are going to shoot down good ideas (if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing)

(4 edits) (-2)

I honestly think you should just accept my feedback, and not be mean. This was not meant to be taken personally..

i was only discussing with you how your ideas were already existent things, and i didnt even mention all of them


not everyone has your standards, so shut up and hold my egg mayo


you're not very nice, as this was just feedback and nothing personal. I think you should be nicer.

also, like Fang from Brawl Stars says, "Hey, enough about you! Lets focus on me"

also I already have everything in the game

just noticed this reply chain is forming a bridge

So brag was Pontificate... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Me Having an idea:

Flashing: Speed through the whole floor while stopping time for 1.5 seconds

(2 edits)

ngl JoJo fans will most likely call it... ZA WOLRDO

(bc there are characters who sometimes say that when they stop time in JoJo's bizarre adventure (which is well known for its plane crashes))

just found out that the game hardlocks you if you die in the menu

De hand: YoU cAn'T qUiT yOuR fIrEd

Everyone: idc I said I quit lol

De hand: *Le gasp*

Now that I have pretty much 100% completion in the game, I'm just gonna do a bunch of fun challenges.

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